I am on the latest Poetry version. I have searched the issues of this repo and believe that this is not a duplicate. If an exception occurs when executing a command, I executed it again in debug mode (-vvv option). OS version and name: W...
在任何形式的Unix中,您都可以在适合您正在使用的任何shell(.profile或其他任何shell,取决于您最喜欢的shell)的启动脚本中使用命令执行此操作,该命令同样取决于所讨论的shell; 在Windows中,您可以通过系统GUI执行此操作。 superuser.com可能是一个更好的地方进一步询问,即如果您需要有关如何在您选择的平台和shell中丰富...
self.run_command('"'+proper_windows_path(NSIS_path) +'" '+ self.dst_path_of(tempfile))# self.remove(self.dst_path_of(tempfile))# If we're on a build machine, sign the code using our Authenticode certificate. JCsign_py = os.path.expandvars("${SIGN}")ifnotsign_pyorsign_py ==...
On the other hand, We use the PYTHONPATH variable to find modules and packages that are not part of the standard library. PYTHONPATH tells Python where to look for these modules and packages. 3. Add Packages to PYTHONPATH in Windows To add a Directory, file, or Python Package to PYTHONP...
import sys; print('Python %s on %s' % (sys.version, sys.platform)) sys.path.extend([WORKING_DIR_AND_PYTHON_PATHS]) When I am at the Project Folder and execute the command line, I encounter the following error. What is the reason behind this?
1.2.2: 3.8-2.10: Windows 10: None: I am on the latest stable Poetry version, installed using a recommended method. I have searched the issues of this repo and believe that this is not a duplicate. I have consulted the FAQ and blog for an...
# 需要导入模块: import pathlib [as 别名]# 或者: from pathlib importPureWindowsPath[as 别名]deffilter_extension_skip_current(self, event, src_check=False, dest_check=False):#src_pathifsrc_check:ifnotself.extension_filterisNone: extension = pathlib.PureWindowsPath(event.src_path).suffix.lower...
the best approach is needed. The current working directory is included in the code. The desired path was obtained the first time the code was run, but not the second time. To obtain the same result each time, the code needs to be modified to change the working direc...
working_dir = Path(self.temp_dir.name) self.document_shelf_filepath = self.working_dir / 'shelf.db' self.document_shelf = shelve.open(str(self.document_shelf_filepath), flag='n', protocol=-1) self.documents = None else: self.documents = [] self.document_shelf = None self.document_...