python-oracledb 是一个高效的 Python 扩展模块,用于连接和操作 Oracle 数据库。以下是关于 python-oracledb 功能大全的详细介绍: 1. 基本功能 连接Oracle数据库 python-oracledb 提供了灵活的连接模式,包括 Thin 模式和 Thick 模式。Thin 模式无需额外的 Oracle 客户端库,而 Thick 模式则需要 Oracle 客户端库支持...
如果要连接到 Oracle 数据库 11.2,则需要通过在代码中调用oracledb.init_oracle_client()来启用厚模式。 请参阅用户文档 我是这样做的: 检查我要连接的oracle数据库版本: 因为是企业的正式数据...
If using python-oracledb Thick mode, Oracle Client 23c is also required. Added parameter data to :meth:`Connection.createlob()` to allow data to be written at LOB creation time. Added type :data:`~oracledb.DB_TYPE_XMLTYPE` to represent data of type SYS.XMLTYPE in the database. ...
You will have to use thick mode or upgrade the database. Labels None yet 2 participants
thick_mode=True ) 3. 应用案例和最佳实践 应用案例 数据分析:使用python-oracledb从 Oracle 数据库中提取数据,进行数据分析和可视化。 Web 应用:在 Web 应用中使用python-oracledb连接到 Oracle 数据库,进行数据存储和检索。 ETL 流程:在 ETL(Extract, Transform, Load)流程中,使用python-oracledb从 Oracle 数据...
ただし、python-oracledbはOracle Clientと共に使用することも可能です。Thin Mode(Oracle Client不使用)とThick Mode(Oracle Client使用)の両対応となります。Oracle Clientが必要になる(Thick Modeが必要になる)のは以下のケースです。 Oracle Client 11gを使用する場合。12c以降のOracle ClientはThin Modeで...
I am using python-oracledb Thin mode and trying to connect to a database where the sqlnet.ora file is as under: SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_SERVER=REQUIRED SQLNET.CRYPTO_CHECKSUM_SERVER=REQUIRED SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_TYPES_SERVER=(AES256,AES192,AES128) ...
If I setconnection.stmtcachesize = 0and run again in Thick mode there is no issue. This is really a DB issue outside the scope of python-oracledb, though we have tried to work around it, and have got some DB side improvements made in various scenarios ...
This feels like it might be the same thing as several of the other issues mentioned and discussed previously, so I hesitate a bit. The error message is slightly different, though, with a different verifier type mentioned from any of the ...