importholidaysfromdatetimeimportdateclassChineseHolidays(holidays.HolidayBase):"""自定义的中国节日类"""def__init__(self, years, **kwargs):# 初始化父类holidays.HolidayBase.__init__(self, **kwargs)# 填充中国节日,这里仅举几个例子self[date(2024,1,1)] ="元旦"self[date(2024,2,10)] ="春...
import holidaysdef is_holiday(date_str, country_holidays):date = datetime.strptime(date_str, '%Y-%m-%d').date()return date in country_holidays# 创建中国的节假日对象cn_holidays = holidays.China(years=2024)# 检查特定日期是否为节假日date_str = "2024-01-01"if is_holiday(date_str, cn_holid...
Python-Holidays 有1.2K stars,180多个contributors。作为对比,FinancePy有1.7K stars,21个contributors。Python-Holidays有这么多个contributors显然是很必然的,因为它支持多达140个国家的日历,每个国家就算只有一个人维护也至少需要140人。 除了普通假期外,Holidays还支持各种特殊假期:bank holidays, school holidays,各个州...
除了默认提供的节日信息外,Python Holidays库还支持自定义和扩展节日信息,以适应特定的需求和业务场景。例如,可以添加公司特定的假期、地方性的传统节日等。 示例代码:自定义节日信息 ```python import datetime import holidays # 自定义节日信息 class CustomHolidays(holidays.HolidayBase):def _populate(self,year):#...
一、什么是 Python Holidays? Python的holidays库是一个用于生成和判断全国及地区性节假日的库,支持多个国家和地区的假日数据。使用这个库,我们只需几行代码,即可方便快捷地判断一个日期是否为节假日。 二、安装 Holidays 库 在使用holidays库之前,我们需要先确保该库已经安装。可以使用以下命令通过pip进行安装: ...
I coded a small project in Python using tkinter GUI and the module holidays. I am thus using pyinstaller through anaconda to generate an unique .exe file for my python script. I used a virtualenv generated through ananconda for the entire project and am using the modules: pandas and holidays...
python 怎么安装fbprophet? 安装过程各种报错、安装不成功、安装成功调用不了 各种问题 ,多数问题都是版本的问题 今天总结了一下成功的方法,请按照步骤依次操作。 报错信息TypeError: This is a python-holidays entity loader class. For entity inheritance purposes please import a class you want to derive from ...
For Singapore holidays, if the _populate function is run multiple times for the year 2017 it continues to add more and more holidays: x = country_holidays("SG") In [3]: x._populate(2017) In [5]: len(x) Out[5]: 17 In [6]: x._populate(2017) In [7]: len(x) Out[7]: 20...
If multiple holidays occur on the same day, they are separated with ", ". However, Martin Luther King day also contains a ", ", so my program doesn't know if that's a sequence of holidays or what. I recommend removing the "," from the na...
1. 爬取的网站 2. 使用工具 python3 3. 实现功能 爬取2012年之后所有年份放假日期和调休上班日期、假期名称、以0/1标识是否放假,最后导出到excel 4. 代码参考