This is a Python C wrapper for MapRDB and HBase using thelibhbase C API. pychbaseis modeled after the HappyBase API, but it does not usethrift, and is ideal for MapRDB. pychbaseis tested on Python 2.7 and MapR 5.1. LD_LIBRARY_PATH ...
wraps(func) 8 def wrapper_debug(*args, **kwargs): 9 args_repr = [repr(a) for a in args] 10 kwargs_repr = [f"{k}={repr(v)}" for k, v in kwargs.items()] 11 signature = ", ".join(args_repr + kwargs_repr) 12 print(f"Calling {func.__name__}({signature})") 13 ...
Because Python is an interpreted language, you can write an accelerator module in C++ for higher performance. Wrapper modules: Expose existing C/C++ interfaces to Python code or expose a more python-like API that's easy to use from Python. Low-level system access modules: Create system access...
def elapsed_time ( func ): def wrapper (): start_time: float = time.time() func() end_time: float = time.time() - start_time print ( f" {func.__name__} () 花费了{end_time: .6 f}秒" ) return wrapper @elapsed_time def some_code (): # 模拟运行代码.. time.sleep( 0.000...
Because Python is an interpreted language, you can write an accelerator module in C++ for higher performance. Wrapper modules: Expose existing C/C++ interfaces to Python code or expose a more python-like API that's easy to use from Python. Low-level system access modules: Create system access...
fill() return wrapper return decorator_all def fill_color_patch(x, y, c='#fffffb'...
>>> import time>>> deftimer(func):defwrapper(*args,**kwds): t0 = time.time() func(*args,**kwds) t1 = time.time() print('耗时%0.3f'%(t1-t0,))return wrapper>>> @timerdefdo_something(delay): print('函数do_something开始') time.sleep(delay) print('函数...
val return wrapper 接着,将该装饰器按如下方式应用在待测函数上: @timeit_wrapper def exp(x): ... print('{0:<10} {1:<8} {2:^8}'.format('module', 'function', 'time')) exp(Decimal(150)) exp(Decimal(400)) exp(Decimal(3000)) 得到如下输出: ~ $ python3.8 mod...
针对119.0.x的版本驱动需要在中下载 选择对应版本驱动chromedriver.exe,下载到本地,放在工程路径下即可。 1.2 Selenium库介绍 Selenium包含一系列工具和库,这些工具和库支持web浏览器的自动化。Selenium库最初用于自动化测试,但也可以应用数据爬取的场景。
This package is an almost complete wrapper for gco-v3.0, which supports more direct low level control over GCoptimization objects. This package supports graphs with edges weighted differently. This wrapper is composed of two parts, a C wrapper and a python wrapper. ...