1.Introduction to Data Science in Python 第一节是入门课,主要讲了jupyter notebook的使用和包括pandas在内的几个基本python数据科学库,通过这门课能对数据的获取、清洗和分析产生基本的认识。 2.Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python 这门课的内容主要是可视化,重点使用了matplotlib库,详细的...
后来无奈只能含泪停下课程,先去苦读这本动物神书。 前前后后看了我三个月,总算全部好好的过了几遍,再回头看课程问题就觉得真心小儿科,这里就先把'Applied-Data-Science-with-Python/Introduction-to-Data-Science-in-Python'第三周课后代码发出来,供各位跟我一样还在PYTHON学习道路上奔跑的小伙伴们参考,一起努力!
https://www.coursera.org/specializations/data-science-python 在这个密歇根大学的专业中,有5门课程通过Python编程语言向学习者介绍数据科学。这个以技能为导向的专业适用于具有基本Python或编程背景的学习者,他们想要通过流行的Python工具包(如pandas、matplotlib、scikit-learn、nltk和networkx)应用统计学、机器学习、信息...
It is a high-level, general-purpose programming language with enhanced readability. The syntax is also well-constructed and has an object-oriented approach. This will enable programmers to write clear and logical code for small and large projects. Data Science can be broadly defined as a field ...
4. IBM Data Science [Best Data Science Certification on Coursera] This certificate will help anyone considering a career in data science or machine learning with no prior experience in programming or computer science, starting from python as a beginner and libraries databases sc as SQL and data ...
Python for Data Science Full Course:该视频来自 edureka,涵盖了必要的 Python 软件包,能帮你打下数据科学的坚实基础。视频末尾简要谈到了通过 Python 使用 Keras 和 TensorFlow 进行深度学习。(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6RqxhNO2yY)Data Analysis with Python:该视频来自 freeCodeCamp.org。在...
https://towardsdatascience.com/the-next-level-of-data-visualization-in-python-dd6e99039d5e 本教程将介绍更高级的数据可视化版本以及如何实现它们,允许您预览可以将数据从关联热图切片到散点图基础的不同高级方法。 39. Machine Learning with Python ...
Gain new insights into your data . Learn to apply data science methods and techniques, and acquire analysis skills WHAT YOU WILL LEARN Conduct an inferential statistical analysis Discern whether a data visualization is good or bad Enhance a data analysis with applied machine learning ...
Python_for_Data_Science_and_AI_COURSE:在这里,我记下了来自COURSERA的“数据科学和AI的Python”课程的笔记,该课程是在LEET CODE上完成的 开发BI**AN 上传1.21MB 文件格式 zip Python_for_Data_Science_and_AI_COURSE_notes 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 ...
edX provides an excellent range of free-to-access courses, and their "Analyzing Data with Python" course could be a great way for those with some Python coding skills to really break out into the wider field of data science. This course equips you with all the skills you need to crunch ...