循环语句的执行流程是:先判断执行条件condition,当条件满足时,执行需要重复的代码描述statement,执行完statement后,再判断condition是否为true,不断的循环,直到condition结果为false,则停止执行或执行更进一步的脚本代码。 ●for循环语句 for循环的格式: for in : else: Python中for循环可以遍历任何序列的项目,如一个列表...
We use while loops when we don’t know the number of times we want to loop over a code, but we know the condition which determines the execution of the loop body. Whereas for loops are particularly used toiterate over a sequence. When you know the number of times the loop has to be...
带else和break的while old_boy_age ="40"count =0whilecount <3:# 此处把上一代码的if判断提前guess_age =input("Guess age is : \n")ifguess_age == old_boy_age:print("Bingo")breakelifguess_age > old_boy_age:print("Higher! Guess lower")else:print("Lower! Guess higher")# 一般在所有判...
The Python while loop: you'll learn how you can construct and use a while loop in data science applications. You'll do this by going over some interactive coding challenges. Next, you'll move on to the for loop: once again, you'll learn how you can construct and use a for loop in...
七、表达式while loop 八、表达式for loop 一、Python介绍及应用方向 python的创始人为吉多·范罗苏姆(Guido van Rossum)。 1989年的圣诞节期间,吉多·范罗苏姆为了在阿姆斯特丹打发时间,决心开发一个新的脚本解释程序,作为ABC语言的一种继承。 Python崇尚优美、清晰、简单,是一个优秀并广泛使用的语言。
Python for loop vs while loop Thefor loopis usually used in the sequence when the number of iterations is known. For example, # loop is iterated 4 timesforiinrange(4):print(i) Run Code Output 0 1 2 3 Thewhileloop is usually used when the number of iterations is unknown. For example...
While loop vs a for loop Sometimes, a while loop can be used as an alternative to a for loop. This is particularly useful when the number of iterations is not predetermined, as in the following example: i = 0 while i < 5: print(i) i += 1 When deciding between for loops and ...
variable to store the input input_string = "" # Set the condition for the while loop while ...
3. Definite loops/for loops定循环for(python特色点) for variable in sequence: #可以写名字/直接写集合是什么 statement • definite loops: 循环执行次数明确;一般是因为我们想让它将某个sequence循环完 • 有类似集合的概念存在时,我们更喜欢用for而不是while 4. Loop idioms循环习语 # 其实就是展示一些...
对这个关于 perl 中的无限循环的问题很感兴趣:while (1) Vs. for (;;) 有速度差异吗?,我决定在 python 中运行类似的比较。我预计编译器会为while(True): pass和while(1): pass生成相同的字节码,但实际上在 python2.7 中并非如此。 以下脚本: