I've been trying to use the python websocket-client module to receive and store continuous updates from an exchange. Generally, the script will run smoothly for a day or so before raising the following error:websocket._exceptions.WebSocketConnectionClosedException: Connection is already closed....
msg_type = rsp["msg_type"] but in "ws.recv()", there is an error: raise WebSocketConnectionClosedException("socket is already closed.") and the jupyter notebook cmd shows: [I18:04:05.904NotebookApp] Kernel started: 275c3afd-cc10-4a69-8597-9f0d7f3e3a91, name: env37 [W18:04...
raise RuntimeError('Web socket connection is closed.') self._ws_connection.write_message(data,True) def close(self): """Close connection. """ if not self._ws_connection: raise RuntimeError('Web socket connection is already closed.') self._ws_connection.close() def _connect_callback(sel...
2018-02-11 22:08:39 - bittrex_websocket.websocket_client - INFO - [Subscription][OrderBook][USDT-LTC]: Order book snapshot received. 2018-02-11 22:08:40 - bittrex_websocket.websocket_client - INFO - [Subscription][OrderBook][USDT-BCC]: Order book snapshot requested. 2018-02-11 22:08...
My slack team has 9,500+ users and upon bot application startup will experience a "connection is already closed" In commit 875839b - slackclient/_server.py.rtm_connect(self, reconnect=False): If line 74 self.connect_slack_websocket(self.ws_url) is moved before if not reconnect: on line...
ws = websocket.create_connection(SERVER_URL) on_open(ws) except Exception as e: print('error is :',e) print('connect ws error,retry...') time.sleep(5) if __name__ == "__main__": # pool = ThreadPool(3) # test = list() ...
api.recv() except (SocketError, websocket._exceptions.WebSocketConnectionClosedException) as err: cmd_args = None if (hasattr(err, "errno") and err.errno in (errno.ECONNRESET, errno.ETIMEDOUT) or "Connection is already closed." in str(err)): while True: # --stream-timeout will handle...
logging.info('Establishing socket connection: %s'% url) factory =WebSocketClientFactory(url) factory.protocol = IQStreamer connectWS(factory)ifobserversisnotNone: publisher = StreamPublisher()forobsinobservers: publisher.register(obs)try: factory.reactor.run(installSignalHandlers=False)excepterror.Reactor...
logging.info("Connection established with remote")ifmsg: on_message(bytearray(msg),3)whileTrue:try: msg =yieldconn.read_message()ifmsgisNone:breakon_message(bytearray(msg),3)exceptwebsocket.WebSocketClosedErroraserr:breaklogging.info("WebSocketProxyServer closed...") ...
我正在使用 Binance API,特别是 websocket 端点,使用 Python 和websocket-client 库实时接收指定交易品种的最佳买价或卖价或数量的更新。一切工作正常,直到从币安收到 ping 帧,失败并显示代码 1008,然后连接关闭。这是我的代码: ws = websocket.WebSocketApp( self.SOCKET_URL, on_message=_on_message, on_open=...