Selenium 在进行回归测试的时候会被经常用到,接下来我们就学习 Selenium 的知识。当我们进入selenium 官网时可以看到,网站的 title 上写的是Selenium - Web Browser Automation,翻译过来就是网站浏览器自动化。也就是说我们把平时在网页上做的功能测试用 Selenium 代码实现,这样在回归测试的时候就可以达到省时省力的目的。
内嵌webbrowser:如pyqt的webkit、PAMIE、spynner(基于webkit),这一类是我正准备研究的,因为urllib2处理有局限性,即不能处理动态的脚本如js,一些操作无法实现。这种内嵌的方式类似于com调用,所以支持所有浏览器操作,兼容性更好,但不如urllib快捷。 spynner: 1A basic example: 2 ...
from selenium import webdriver # 打开浏览器 browser = webdriver.Chrome() # 打开网站 browser.get('百度一下,你就知道') # 查找元素并输入搜索内容 input_elem = browser.find_element_by_id('kw') input_elem.send_keys('Python Selenium') # 模拟点击搜索按钮 search_button = browser.find_element_by...
options.add_argument('--ignore-ssl-errors')# 忽略无用的日志options.add_experimental_option("excludeSwitches", ['enable-automation','enable-logging']) browser = webdriver.Edge(options=options) browser.get('')try: elem = browser.find_element_by_class_name('bookcover'...
webbrowser模块常用的方法有:, new=0, autoraise=True) 在系统的默认浏览器中访问url地址,如果new=0,url会在同一个浏览器窗口中打开;如果new=1,新的浏览器窗口会被打开;new=2新的浏览器tab会被打开。 webbrowser.open_new(url) ...
chrome_options.add_experimental_option('excludeSwitches', ['enable-automation']) #规避部分网站对selenium的检测 browser = webdriver.Chrome(options=chrome_options) #加载参数 具体可参见 ,该网站罗列了所有的参数。
Playwright is a cross-broser automation library created by Microsoft. It supports all modern rendering engines including Chromium, WebKit, and Firefox. Playwright can be used in Node, Python, .NET and JVM. Playwright allows to use a browser in a headless mode (the default mode), which works ...
DrissionPage is a Python-based web automation tool. It can control the browser, send and receive packets, and combine the two. You can balance the convenience of browser automation with the efficiency of requests. It is powerful, built-in countless user-friendly design and convenient features....
Web Automation using Robot Framework(Selenium with Python) For Beginners 程序员百科书 93观看 2 2 Part1- Introduction to Robot Framework Environment Setup Selenium with Python Part2- First Test Case in Robot Framework File Extensions Writing Robot File Part3- How To Handle Input Box in Robot Fr...