...# execute a task with a timeouttry:# wait for a task to completeawaitasyncio.wait_for(coro,timeout=1)exceptasyncio.TimeoutError:# ... 如果等待的任务因未处理的异常而失败,则该异常将传播回等待 wait_for() 协程的调用者,在这种情况下可能需要处理它。 ...# execute a task that may fail...
...# execute a task with a timeouttry:# wait for a task to completeawaitasyncio.wait_for(coro, timeout=1)exceptasyncio.TimeoutError:# ... 如果等待的任务因未处理的异常而失败,则该异常将传播回等待 wait_for() 协程的调用者,在这种情况下可能需要处理它。 ...# execute a task that may fai...
await asyncio.sleep(value) # report all done print('>task done') # main coroutine async def main(): # create a task task = task_coro(1) # execute and wait for the task without a timeout try: await asyncio.wait_for(task, timeout=0.2) except asyncio.TimeoutError: print('Gave up ...
time.sleep(1) count += 1 def car(name): while True: if event.is_set(): #判断是否设置了标志位 print("[%s] running..."%name) time.sleep(1) else: print("[%s] sees red light,waiting..."%name) event.wait() print("[%s] green light is on,start going..."%name) light = thre...
[0m") 16 door_open_time_counter = 0 #清空计时器 17 door_swiping_event.wait() 18 19 20 if door_open_time_counter > 3:#门开了已经3s了,该关了 21 door_swiping_event.clear() 22 23 time.sleep(0.5) 24 25 26 def staff(n): 27 28 print("staff [%s] is comming..." % n ) 29...
con.wait() time.sleep(2) # 消费者方法 def consume(): global product if con.acquire(): while True: if product is not None: print 'consume...' product = None # 通知生产者,商品已经没了 con.notify() # 等待通知 con.wait() time.sleep(2) ...
local results={}forindex,urlinipairs(urls)dolocal ok,reason=splash:go("http://"..url)ifok thensplash:wait(2)results[url]=splash:png()end endreturnresults end 运行后的返回结果是 3 个站点的截图: 在脚本内调用的 wait 方法类似于 Python 中的 sleep 方法,其参数为等待的秒数。当 Splash 执行...
🔵 time.sleep(seconds) can be used to make a test wait at a specific spot:import time; time.sleep(3) # Do nothing for 3 seconds.🔵 Debug Mode with Python's built-in pdb library helps you debug tests:import pdb; pdb.set_trace() import pytest; pytest.set_trace() breakpoint() ...
If you'd like to maintain updates while waiting for a predicate to complete, you may useon_pollto pass a function to perform some behavior after every sleep. By default, this is a no-op. >>>importlogging >>>fromwaitingimportwait >>>try: ... wait(lambda:False,timeout_seconds=5,#Tim...
con.wait()time.sleep(2)# 消费者方法 defconsume():global productifcon.acquire():whileTrue:ifproduct is not None:print'consume...'product=None # 通知生产者,商品已经没了 con.notify()# 等待通知 con.wait()time.sleep(2)t1=threading.Thread(target=produce)t2=threading.Thread(target=consume)t2...