DateTime 模块确定脚本的执行时间 此解决方案测量 Wall time,即总运行时间,而不是 CPU 时间。import datetimeimport time# get the start datetimest = main program# find sum to first 1 million numberssum_x = 0for i in range(1000000): sum_x += i# wait for 3 sec...
from behave import step @step("I wait for {seconds:d} seconds") def step_impl(context, seconds): time.sleep(seconds) 在上面的代码中,我们使用 @step 装饰器为一个 Step definitions 添加了超时功能。这个 Step definitions 会等待指定的时间后再执行后续步骤。 Table converters Table converters 是 Behav...
time.sleep(5)print("This message will be printed after a wait of 5 seconds")输出:Welcome to guru99 Python Tutorials This message will be printed after a wait of 5 seconds 如何使用sleep()延迟执行?下面的示例定义display()函数。 display()函数将显示一条消息“ Welcome to Guru99 Tutorials...
print('wait_for_event: starting') e.wait() print('wait_for_event: e.is_set()->', e.is_set()) def wait_for_event_timeout(e, t): """Wait t seconds and then timeout""" print('wait_for_event_timeout: starting') e.wait(t) print('wait_for_event_timeout: e.is_set()->'...
{timeout}seconds after running for{end_time-start_time:.6f}seconds.")returnwrapperreturndecorator# 同步装饰器(包含实际执行耗时)deftimeout(timeout:float):defdecorator(func):@wraps(func)defwrapper(*args,**kwargs):start_time=time.time()try:result=func(*args,**kwargs)iftime.time()-start_...
显式等待的想法是WebDriverWait.until(condition-that-finds-the-element);隐式等待的概念是driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);你可以得到细节差别here。在这种情况下,我宁愿使用显式等待(特别是fluentWait):p java如何等待几秒钟 显式 函数返回 Web 转载 liutao988 2023-06-05...
import multiprocessing import time def wait_for_event(e): """Wait for the event to be set before doing anything""" print('wait_for_event: starting') e.wait() print('wait_for_event: e.is_set()->', e.is_set()) def wait_for_event_timeout(e, t): """Wait t seconds and then...
importsys# import for the use of the sleep() methodimporttime# wait for 5 seconds and suddenly shows all outputforindexinrange(5):print(index, end =' ') time.sleep(1)print()# print one number per second till 5 secondsforindexinrange(5):# end variable holds /n by defaultprint(index...
days (int) – number of days to wait hours (int) – number of hours to wait minutes (int) – number of minutes to wait seconds (int) – number of seconds to wait start_date (datetime|str) – starting point for the interval calculation ...
defwait(self,seconds):self.driver.implicitly_wait(seconds)"wait for %d seconds."%seconds)# 点击关闭当前窗口 defclose(self):try:self.driver.close()"Closing and quit the browser.")except NameErrorase:logger.error("Failed to quit the browser with %s"%e)# 保存图片 ...