cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path + str(filename)) # 读入视频 while True: ret, image = if image is None: break # show a frame w = image.shape[1] h = image.shape[0] if (cnt % 20) == 0: cv2.imencode('.jpg', image)[1].tofile(pic_path + str(filename) + ...
def image_to_video(image_dir, video_dir, fps): im_list = [i for i in os.listdir(image_dir) if i.endswith('jpg')] im_list.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.replace("frame", "").split('.')[0])) # 最好再看看图片顺序对不 # fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') # opencv版本...
os.mkdir(pic_path+str(filename)) cap= cv2.VideoCapture(video_path + str(filename))#读入视频whileTrue:#get a frameret, image a framew= image.shape[1] h=image.shape[0]if(cnt % 20) ==0: cv2.imencode('.jpg', image)[1].tofile(pic_path + ...
python代码 import cv2 import os def videoToPNG(videoPath, pngPath): ''' 视频提取图...
importcv2defvideo_to_frames(video_path,output_path):# 打开视频文件video=cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)success, 保存图片cv2.imwrite(f"{output_path}/{count}.jpg",image)success, 示例用法video_to_frames("input.mp4"...
.to_ImageClip(1) # 设置位置(左上角,和截取区域的左上角一致) .set_position((100,190)) .set_duration(crop.duration)) # 合并 composition = CompositeVideoClip([crop, snapshot]) composition.write_gif('覆盖.gif', fps=8) 覆盖 5. 添加自定义文本 ...
from moviepy.editor import VideoClipfrom moviepy.editor import add_text_to_imagefrom moviepy.editor import CompositeAudiofrom moviepy.editor import concatenate_videoclipsfrom moviepy.editor import ImageSequenceClipfrom moviepy.editor import volumexfrom moviepy.editor import whitefxfrom moviepy.editor import ...
Add ability to manually set video width & height, if a video type has been selected, AFTER the item has been inserted into the database Add in-built file explorer, making manual paths optional Preview filenames when entering an output template ...
print('Converting a video into frames...') if end_extract_time is not None: N = (end_extract_time - initial_extract_time)*fps + 1 success = True count = 0 while success and count < N: success,image = if success: if not...