逐步指南,說明如何開始在 Windows 上使用 Python 進行 Web 開發,包括針對 Flask 和 Django 等架構進行設定。
We recommend either using a modern, supported version, or matching the version of the whatever Python project that you hope to contribute to.If you are using Python on Windows for web development, we recommend a different set up for your development environment. Rather than installing directly ...
本文以在Windows安装PyCharm为例,为您介绍Python开发环境搭建步骤。 搭建步骤 访问PyCharm官网,单击Download。 在Download页面,选择PyCharm Community Edition,单击Download下载。 双击安装文件pycharm-community-2024.1.1.exe开始安装,并根据安装向导完成安装。
首先,根据自己电脑Windows的版本(64位还是32位),进入Python的官网下载Python 3.7对应的64位安装程序或32位安装程序,下载完成后,直接运行下载好的exe安装包: 特别需要注意的是:Add Python 3.8 to PATH选项一定要记得勾选上,然后点击“Install Now”就可以完成安装。 运行Python Python安装完成后,打开命令提示符窗口(WI...
SetPythonVersion onWindowsPlatform On Windows platforms, use either: pyenv(Version="version") or pyenv(Version="executable") whereexecutableis the full path to the Python executable file. For more information, see theVersionname-value argument forpyenv. For example, type: ...
python-version文件表示本地Python版本,可以使用pyenv local命令创建和删除。 您还可以手动激活和停用pyenv virtualenv: pyenv activate virtualenv的名称 pyenv deactivate 删除现有virtualenv pyenv uninstall my-virtual-env 前方高能: 说道Windows平台了,悲剧的是大神比较吊,说他不用Windows,兼容Windows浪费大神时间,哈哈。
pyenv for Windows. pyenv is a simple python version management tool. It lets you easily switch between multiple versions of Python. It's simple, unobtrusive, and follows the UNIX tradition of single-purpose tools that do one thing well. - pyenv-win/pyenv
Here is the step-by-step process on how to install Python on Windows in your specified directory:- Step 1Download Python First of all, you have to open the Python official website to download the latest version of python on your computer system. You can find the latest version of Python...
A step-by-step guide on installing Python and using the Command Prompt for Windows Version: 1.1.0 Date: 2017-01-03 Author:Alberto Pettarin(contact) License:Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Overview Do you want to run a Python program under Windows, but you have no...
.pyd文件是Windows平台上Python的动态链接库(DLL),用于封装用C/C++编写的Python扩展模块。它们提供了访问底层系统功能或提升性能的途径。在Linux和macOS上 ,这类文件以.so(共享对象)的形式存在。创建.pyd需要使用Python的CAPI和编译工具链。 1.6 .pyo 文件:优化编译后的代码(Python 3.8-已弃用) ...