Python 2.7.15 一般来讲,自带的默认Python版本都是Python2.x,部分系统还安装了一个Python3版本,请输入如下命令确定是否安装了Python3以及它的版本: $ python3 --version 如果输出结果如下(近似地),则说明你的系统已经安装了Python3的某个版本: $ python3 --version Python 3.7.3 如果输出结果如下(近似地),则...
如在当前会话中查找PYENV_VERSION环境变量,可以通过pyenv shell 来设置shell会话变量,在当前目录中的特定应用程序文件.python-version,可以使用pyenv local来设置.python-version,它会搜索每个父目录直到根目录;全局$(pyenv root)/version文件可以通过pyenv global命令修改,通过读取这些环境变量或文件来指定运行的...
This article explains how to use the command line to check what version of Python is installed on your Linux, macOS, or Windows machine.
defcheck_for_zmq(minimum_version, required_by='Someone'):try:importzmqexceptImportError:raiseImportError("%s requires pyzmq >= %s"%(required_by, minimum_version)) pyzmq_version = zmq.__version__ifnotcheck_version(pyzmq_version, minimum_version):raiseImportError("%s requires pyzmq >= %s, but ...
Python 作为一种动态语言,在 PEP484(3.5) 才支持 Type Hints,且类型申明是 optional 的,对于从静态语言(比如:Java,国内大学专业cs or se的教学语言也是以 C/C++、Java 为主)转过来的人来讲,变量以及函数…
version_info >= (2, 7, 11) False 我们可以在脚本中添加 assert,以确保脚本以最低 Python 版本的要求运行。 import sys assert sys.version_info >= (3, 7) 如果解释器不符合版本要求,则会引发 AssertionError。 Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\test\", line 4, in <...
Learn how to check Python Version installed on your system with our easy-to-follow guide. Discover the various methods for checking the version of Python, including command-line options and GUI options.
"""pyver = platform.python_version()ifnotversion.check('python', pyver):print>> sys.stderr, ('Python version %s or newer required. ''Found %s'% (version.get('python'), pyver)) sys.exit(1) 开发者ID:mwh,项目名称:git-cola,代码行数:8,代码来源 ...
一、检查Python环境首先,确保你的系统中安装了正确的Python版本。可以通过在终端输入python3 --version来查看当前Python 3的版本。如果未安装或版本不符,可以通过sudo apt update和sudo apt install python3命令来安装或更新Python...
Knowing your Python version can make the difference between an application running or frustratingly failing. Thankfully, there is a quick command, and even some Python script, to check your currently installed Python version. Find out all you need to kno