8. 运行以上代码,将会输出variable,证明变量名成功转换为字符串。 类图 下面是一个使用mermaid语法绘制的类图,展示了变量名转字符串的实现过程: PythonVariable+ variable_name: str+ variable_string: str+create_variable(name: str)+convert_to_string()+print_result() 总结 本文介绍了如何在Python中将变量名转换...
How to get a variable name as a string in Python? The items() or the iteritems() function can be utilized to get the variable name in the form of a string in Python. However, it is essential to discover the string of the variable name in order to extricate it. This is a tweak...
这将创建新的String对象,并将其与下面的文本一起打印出来。 如果新String对象的名称不同,请将这里的s替换为您自己的String对象的名称。 例如,如果您使用myNewString=str(I),那么这里的行应该类似于print“the number is”+myNewString。 写在最后 上面讲到了两个知识点, str() - 格式化函数 + 连接多个字符串...
#assigning a variable name to a tuple names = ( 'John', 'Lloyd') #assigning a variable name to a set names = {'John', 'Peter'} #assigning a variable name to a float num = 2.0 #assign variable name to a string name = "Lloyd" Python 允许我们为我们创建的对象创建不同的变量名。 P...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11553721/using-a-string-variable-as-a-variable-name?answertab=active#tab-top https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1373164/how-do-i-create-a-variable-number-of-variables https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19122345/to-convert-string-to-variable-name ...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11553721/using-a-string-variable-as-a-variable-name?answertab=active#tab-top https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1373164/how-do-i-create-a-variable-number-of-variables https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19122345/to-convert-string-to-variable-name ...
Theexec()function is used to execute this string as Python code. This effectively creates a variable nameddynamicVarwith the value42in the current namespace. Finally, we demonstrate that this variable has been created and contains the expected value by printing it. ...
The last option to insert a variable into a string is to use the concatenation+operator. To use this option, you need to break the string and insert the variable using the concatenation operator as follows: name="Nathan"age=29my_str="I'm "+name+" and I'm "+str(age)+" years old....
While programming in python, there are several instances when we might need to convert a string to a variable name. For instance, consider that we need to take some user data as input where the user needs to enter some field names and their corresponding values. We will need to convert th...
使用f字符串中以{variable_name}插值变量. name = 'Yang' title = 'full stack hacker' print(f'{name} is a {title}.') # Yang is a full stack hacker. 如上所示,在 f 字符串机制的帮助下,我们可以编写简单且更少的代码,以便在字符串中显示更多代码。它完美地呼应了 Python 的禅宗。