1)python variables name rules 变量命名规则 区分大小写 可以用字母/下划线/数字 开头不能是数字。变量名开头尽量不要用下划线(这种命名有别的用途) 2)Type种类 • 最常见种类:1数字:int整数/float浮点数 2字符串str • 查看种类 type(variable) • conversion between types改变种类: int(variable)/float(...
quotes is avariablethat names a Pythondictionary—a collection of uniquekeys(in this example, the name of the Stooge) and associatedvalues(here, a notable saying of that Stooge). Using a dictionary, you can store and look up things by name, which is often a useful alternative to a list....
A variable name cannot be any of thePython keywords. ExampleGet your own Python Server Legal variable names: myvar ="John" my_var ="John" _my_var ="John" myVar ="John" MYVAR ="John" myvar2 ="John" Try it Yourself » Example ...
注:双下划线开头,提示私有 特殊:触发Python的(内部)名称改写机制name mangling rules 单下划线前缀 保护成员(Protected Members) 命名约定:单下划线+蛇形 举例:_protected_variable,_protected_attribute,_protected_method(self) 说明: 使用单下划线命名是告诉其他开发者他们应该将这些成员视为非公开的, 除非编写子类代码,...
if __name__ == 'main': 但是为什么这样约定?__name__又是什么意思?这就涉及了Python中变量和函数的命名规则了。涉及单下划线和双下划线("dunder"),名称修饰(name mangling)等。 1.2 变量命名 变量名(标识符)是Python的一种原子元素。当变量名被绑定到一个对象的时候,变量名就指代这个对象。当变量名出现在...
without having to worry about instance variables defined by derived classes, or mucking with instance variables by code outside the class. Note that the mangling rules are designed mostly to avoid accidents; it still is possible for a determined soul to access or modify a variable that is consi...
Variable Names (变量名称) A variable can have a short name (like x and y) or a more descriptive name (age, carname, total_volume). Rules for Python variables: A variable name must start with a letter or the underscore character. 变量名必须以字母或下划线字符开头。
Use the function naming rules: lowercase with words separated by underscores as necessary to improve readability. Use one leading underscore only for non-public methods and instance variables. To avoid name clashes with subclasses, use two leading underscores to ...
foo=long_function_name(var_one,var_two,var_three,var_four) 当if语句的条件部分足够长,需要跨多行编写时,值得注意的是,两个字符的关键字(即 if),加上一个空格,再加上一个开括号,会为多行条件的后续行创建一个自然的4个空格缩进。这可能会在if语句内嵌的缩进代码块的可视上产生冲突,后者也会自然地缩进...
The label has the variable namemy_intwritten on it, and is tied to the integer value103204934813. The phrasemy_int = 103204934813is anassignment statement, which consists of a few parts: the variable name (my_int) theassignment operator, also known as the equal sign (=) ...