we have a technique calledMnemonic(记忆的).The idea is when you choose a variable name,you should choose a variable name to be sensible and Python doesnt care whether you choose mnemonic variable names or not. Assignment Statements: An assignment statement consists of an expression on the right...
在Python里我们可以通过加号"+"来拼接(concatenation)字符串,举例如下: >>>ip=''>>>statement='交换机的IP地址为'>>>printstatement+ip交换机的IP地址为192.168.1.100 注意,在使用加号+来将变量拼接合并时,如果其中一个变量为字符串,那么其他所有要与之拼接的变量也都必须为字符串,否则Python会报错,...
如果.是放在赋值语句后面,且值是非整数,就会报错 1#值是字符型2In [18]: x*y3Out[18]:245In [19]: a="bb".6File"<ipython-input-19-35d6cdca8521>", line17a="bb".8^9SyntaxError: invalid syntax1011#值是浮点型12In [20]: a =1.9.13File"<ipython-input-20-d03258cd8a31>", line114a =...
In Python, theequal sign (=) assigns a variable to a value: >>>count=4>>>count4 This is called anassignment statement. We've pointed the variablecountto the value4. We don't have declarations or initializations Some programming languages have an idea ofdeclaring variables. ...
a = 12 is correct, but 12 = a does not make sense to Python, which creates a syntax error. Check it in Python Shell. >>> a = 12 >>> 12 = a SyntaxError: can't assign to literal >>> Multiple Assignment The basic assignment statement works for a single variable and a single expr...
The primary way to create a variable in Python is to assign it a value using the assignment operator and the following syntax:Python Syntax variable_name = value In this syntax, you have the variable’s name on the left, then the assignment (=) operator, followed by the value you want...
注意: input返回str,如需返回数字,再加一步如int(variable)等转换函数 # comments注释 3. Reserved words保留字 不可用保留字做变量名 4. operator运算符 如numeric operator + - * / 正常用 ** 乘方 //求整除商 %求余数 C3 Conditionals 条件 1. if statement 1) Boolean Expression布尔表达式与Compare ...
A common use of the conditional expression is to select variable assignment. For example, suppose you want to find the larger of two numbers. Of course, there is a built-in function, max(), that does just this (and more) that you could use. But suppose you want to write your own co...
Assigning values to a variable: To assign values to a variable in Python, we will use the assignment (=) operator. Here, initially, we have stored a numeric value -> 10 in the variable ‘a’. After a while, we have stored a string value -> “sparta” in the same variable. And th...
Multiple Variables Assignment You can declare multiple variables and assign values to each variable in a single statement, as shown below. Example: Create Multiple Variables Copy x, y, z = 10, 20, 30 print(x, y, z) #10 20 30 Try it In the above example, the first int value 10 will...