def to_unicode(unicode_or_str): if isinstance(unicode_or_str, str): value = unicode_or_str.decode('utf-8') else: value = unicode_or_str return value # Instance of unicode 1. 同时需要另一个方法用于接收str或者unicode,返回str: def to_str(unicode_or_str): if isinstance(unicode_or_str...
unicode 转utf8 # !/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- name=u'测试' print name print type(name) print len(name) name=name.encode('utf-8') print name print type(name) print len(name) C:\Python27\python.exe C:/Users/TLCB/PycharmProjects/untitled/mycompany/Django/a17.p...
help = "If this command line argument is missing, we convert files to UTF-8 without BOM (i.e. the target encoding would be just 'utf-8'). " "But with this flag, we would add BOM in encoded text files (i.e. the target encoding would be 'utf-8-sig').", ) parser.add_argumen...
输入: 中文字符的unicode编码,int型 输出: utf-8编码, str类型 如'张',unicode编码为0x5f20,输入为0x5f20,输出为0xe5bca0 def unicode_to_utf8(src): ref = 0xe08080 result = ref a = src & 0x3f //取最后六位 result = result | a //将最后六位放在ref最后六位的空位置 ...
一、Python字符编码介绍 1、须知: 在python 2中默认编码是 ASCII,而在python 3中默认编码是 unicode unicode 分为utf-32 (占4个字节),utf-16(占两个字节),utf-8(占1-4个字节),所以utf-16 是最常用的unicode版本,但是在文
输⼊:中⽂字符的unicode编码,int型 输出: utf-8编码, str类型 如 '张',unicode编码为0x5f20,输⼊为0x5f20,输出为0xe5bca0 def unicode_to_utf8(src): ref = 0xe08080 result = ref a = src & 0x3f //取最后六位 result = result | a //将最后六位放在ref最后六位...
在Python中,可以使用encode()方法将Unicode字符串转换为UTF-8字节。下面是一个示例代码: ```python # 定义一个Unicode字符串 unicode_str = "火...