suite_for_Exception1_to_ExceptionN_with_Argument reason是异常类的实例,该实例有个属性,名为args,args是个元组,其中包含了该异常的提示信息: defsafe_float(obj):try: retval=float(obj)exceptValueError,e:print'type of e is', type(e)print'e is', eprint'e.args is', e.args retval='could notc...
Afterraiseoriginal exception continues to propagate further up the call stack. (Beware of possible pitfall) If you raise new exception it caries new (shorter) stack trace. fromtracebackimportprint_excclassCustomException(Exception):def__init__(self, ok): self.ok = okdefcalculate():raiseCustomEx...
If an exception is raised due to the code in the try block, the execution continues with the statements in the except block. So, it is up to the programmer how to handle the exception. The plain try-except block will catch any type of error. But, we can be more specific. For instan...
为了保险起见,我们在已经确定代码会出现 ZeroDivisionError 的情况下,将不确定的所有错误都放在 except Exception 后的语句中处理,即打印出 ‘Something wrong!’ 代码语言:javascript 复制 defdivide(a,b):try:c=a/b d=cc+1print(f"Result = {c:.4f}.")except ZeroDivisionError:print('Divisor is zero and ...
See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. """ pass 构造函数接受可变长度的参数 *args,但是它并没有执行任何实际操作,只是一个空的 pass 语句。这意味着,我们可以在自定义异常类的构造函数中调用父类 Exception 的构造函数,同时传递自定义的错误消息作为参数。
except Exception: print(f'save failed: unable to save title of {url} to {filename}') return False def main(): save_website_title('', 'qq_title.txt') if __name__ == '__main__': main() 脚本里的save_website_title函数做了好几件事情。它首先通过网络获取网页内...
1 处理异常顺序:try except (多个) finally 2 自定义异常 继承Exception造一个子类即可 ...
# import module sys to get the type of exception import sys randomList = ['a', 0, 2] for entry in randomList: try: print("The entry is", entry) r = 1/int(entry) break except: print("Oops!",sys.exc_info()[0],"occured.") ...
try: 检测范围 except Exception[as reason]: 出现异常后的处理代码 finally: 无论如何都会被执行的代码 不管try子句里面有没有发生异常,finally子句都会执行。 【例子】如果一个异常在try子句里被抛出,而又没有任何的except把它截住,那么这个异常会在finally子句执行后被抛出。 def divide(x, y): try: result ...
except BaseException as e: print('出错了') print(e) else: print('结果为:',res) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 执行结果: 2. try...except...else...finally结构 finally块无论是否发生异常都会被执行,能常用来释放try块中申请的资源 ...