只有当两个条件都满足时,才会输出"Both conditions are true"。 综合示例 为了更好地理解两个条件都要满足的情况,我们可以结合逻辑运算符和if语句,编写一个综合示例: age=25income=50000ifage>18andincome>30000:print("You are eligible for a credit card")else:print("You are not eligible for a credit c...
Creates a WAV file containing the sound repeatedcounttimes. If FFmpeg is installed andffmpegis set toTrue, an MP4 file is also created. Music Class seqs A two-dimensional list of sounds (0-63) across multiple channels set(seq0, seq1, seq2, ...) ...
# Hanging indents*may*be indented to other than4spaces.foo=long_function_name(var_one,var_two,var_three,var_four) 如果if语句的条件长到需要多行才能写下,值得注意的是,在多行条件语句中,左括号加空格再加上两个字符关键字的组合的形式会为多行条件的后续行创建一个自然的4空格缩进。这种形式很像if中...
If needed, we can use logical operators such asandandorto create complex conditions to work with anifstatement. age =35salary =6000 # add two conditions using and operatorifage >=30andsalary >=5000: print('Eligible for the premium membership.')else:print('Not eligible for the premium membe...
# 挂行缩进不一定要用4个空格foo=long_function_name(var_one,var_two,var_three,var_four) 当if语句的条件部分长到需要换行写的时候,注意可以在两个字符关键字的连接处(比如if),增加一个空格,再增加一个左括号来创造一个4空格缩进的多行条件。这会与if语句内同样使用4空格缩进的代码产生视觉冲突。对于如何...
设计复杂的 if...elif 链 设计一个终止的 while 语句 避免break 语句可能出现的问题 利用异常匹配规则 避免except:子句可能出现的问题 使用raise from 语句链接异常 使用with 语句管理上下文 介绍 Python 语法设计得非常简单。有一些规则;我们将查看语言中一些有趣的语句,以了解这些规则。仅仅看规则而没有具体的例子...
Experience state-of-the-art GNN models in only two command-lines usingDGL-Go. Learn DGL byexample implementationsof popular GNN models. Read theUser Guide(中文版链接), which explains the concepts and usage of DGL in much more details. ...
= "Pending"') # Using variable value='Spark' df2=df.query("Courses == @value") # Inpace df.query("Courses == 'Spark'",inplace=True) # Not equals, in & multiple conditions df.query("Courses != 'Spark'") df.query("Courses in ('Spark','PySpark')") df.query("`Courses Fee` ...
# 悬挂缩进可以使用除4个空格以外的其他个数空格.foo=long_function_name(var_one,var_two,var_three,var_four) 当if语句过长而需要写成多行时,应该注意到if语句的换行会产生4个空格的缩进,这与嵌套在if语句内部的代码集缩进会形成视觉冲突,该缩进代码也是4个空格。对于如何在视觉上进一步将这些条件行与if语句...
# Handle "exceptional conditions" for s in exceptional: print >>sys.stderr, 'handling exceptional condition for', s.getpeername() # Stop listening for input on the connection inputs.remove(s) if s in outputs: outputs.remove(s) s.close() ...