增加了几节,以及更多关于Web的细节,以帮助初学者通过浏览器就能开始运行Python,而不需要过早地面对安装Python的问题。 对于第4章的“turtle模块”,我把实现从以前自己开发的Swampy乌龟绘图包,改为使用更标准的Python模块turtle,它更容易安装,功能也更强大。 增加了新的一章“Python拾珍”(第19章),介绍Python提供的一...
ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.axis('off')# 关闭坐标轴# 显示字母的函数defdisplay_letter(letter, ax): segments = [int(bit)forbitinsegment_codes[letter]] draw_seven_segment_display(ax, segments)# 测试函数defmain(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() letter ='A'# 可以更改为其他字母display_letter(l...
defdraw_letter_A():# 获取字母A的编码letter_A_code=DIGIT_CODE['A']# 绘制七段数码管draw_seven_segment(letter_A_code) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 步骤五:调用绘制字母A的函数并展示结果 最后,我们调用绘制字母A的函数,并展示绘制结果。代码如下: # 初始化绘图窗口turtle.setup(800,600)turtle.speed(0...
???') heart_symbol = u'\u2764' guessed_word_correctly = False def update_clue(guessed_letter, secret_word, clue): index = 0 while index < len(secret_word): if
9.s = input(input a string:) letter = 0 # 统计字母 space = 0 # 统计空格digit = 0 # 统计数字other = 0 # 统计其他字符for c in s: if c.isalpha(): letter += 1 elif c.isspace(): space += 1 elif c.isdigit(): digit += 1 else: other += 1 print(字母:,letter,空格:, ...
段码转换:code_to_segments函数将段码转换为用于绘制的布尔数组,数组中的每个元素对应一个段的亮灭状态。 绘制框架:draw_seven_segment_display函数根据传入的段状态数组绘制七段数码管的框架和段。亮段用实线绘制,灭段用虚线绘制(可以根据需要修改)。 显示字母:display_letter函数根据字母调用绘制函数,并设置图形的标...
我们在python画爱心(1)中利用turtle画图展示了爱心的图形。本次我在之前的代码上添加一些拓展程序丰富一下内容。来看第一段代码: import turtle turtle.bgcolor("lightblue") turtle.color("red") turtle.begin_fill() turtle.left(40) turtle.forward(160) turtle.circle ...
Insert_operation_on_Linked_List.py refactor: clean code Jan 30, 2022 Job_scheduling.py Create Job_scheduling.py Oct 1, 2020 JsonParser.py refactor: clean code Jan 30, 2022 Kilometerstomile.py F-string formating Jul 30, 2023 LETTER GUESSER Create LETTER GUESSER Nov 22, 2022 LICENSE.md Cre...
As you did with the previous functions, you don’t add parentheses to turtle.bye even though it’s a function. Make sure you use a lowercase q because if you use an uppercase letter in the code, you’ll need to press Shift+Q to quit the program. Now when you run the program, ...
In this way, the turtle can be programmed to create different shapes and images.Now, try drawing a rectangle, using this code as a template. Remember, in a rectangle, all four sides are not equal. You’ll need to change the code accordingly. Once you do that, you can even try ...