try:# 可能引发异常的代码块except(ExceptionType1,ExceptionType2,...):# 处理异常的代码块 Python Copy 在上面的语法中,我们可以将多个异常类型放在一个括号中,通过逗号分隔。当try块引发其中任何一个异常时,程序将跳转到对应的except块,处理这个异常。 接下来我们将通过几个示例来演示如何在Python中的一行代码中...
def safe_float(obj): try: retval = float(obj) except (ValueError, TypeError): retval = 'argument must be a number or numeric string' return retval 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 异常参数 # multiple exceptions except (Exception1,..., ExceptionN)[, reason]: suite_for_Exception1_to_ExceptionN_...
1、try-except 语句 我们使用try-except语句进行异常的监控,并且对监测到的异常进行处理。最常见的 try-except 语句语法如下所示。它由try子句和except子句组成,也可以有一个可选的as语句来保存错误原因。 try: try_suite # 监控这里的异常 except Exception[as reason]: except_suite # 异常处理代码 2、处理多个...
2.解析 关键字try 以及except是 使用Python 解释器主动抛出异常的关键, Python解释器从上向下执行 当...
try: large_block_of_code #bandage of large piece of code except Exception: # same as except: pass # blind eye ignoring all errors 10.3.6 异常参数: # single exception except Exception[, reason]: suite_for_Exception_with_Argument # multiple exceptions ...
try_suite#监控此处的异常exceptException[, reason]: except_suite#异常处理代码 例子如下: try: f= open('blah','r')exceptIOError, e:print'could not open file:', e 结果是: couldnotopen file: [Errno 2] No such fileordirectory 在打开一个不存在的文件时仍然发生了 IOError .加入了探测和处理...
# Program to handle multiple errors with one# except statement# Python 3deffun(a):ifa<4:# throws ZeroDivisionError for a = 3b=a/(a-3)# throws NameError if a >= 4print("Value of b = ",b)try:fun(3)fun(5)# note that braces () are necessary here for# multiple exceptionsexceptZer...
>>> # A function that handles multiple exceptions >>> def divide_six(number): ... try: ... formatted_number = int(number) ... result = 6/formatted_number ... except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError) as e: ... print(f"Error {type(e)}: {e}") ...
>>> # A function that handles multiple exceptions >>> def divide_six(number): ... try: ... formatted_number = int(number) ... result = 6/formatted_number ... except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError) as e: ... print(f"Error {type(e)}: {e}") ...
(a): if a < 4: # throws ZeroDivisionError for a = 3 b = a/(a-3) # throws NameError if a >= 4 print("Value of b = ", b)try: fun(3) fun(5)# note that braces () are necessary here for# multiple exceptionsexcept ZeroDivisionError: print("ZeroDivisionError Occurred and Handled...