默认为不存在。 --trademarks=TRADEMARK_TEXT 版本信息中使用的版权。此时仅限Windows。默认为不存在。 插件控件 --enable-plugin=PLUGIN_NAME 已启用插件。必须是插件名称。使用"--plugin-list"查询完整列表并退出。默认为空。 --disable-plugin=PLUGIN_NAME 禁用的插件。必须是插件名称。使用"--plugin-list"查询完...
#根据结果更新数据库 self.db_manager.strategy_ma_update_trademark(symboli,periodi,strategyname,mamark,rsimark) self.update_status.emit(strategyname+periodTrade+"策略执行完毕,结果见策略运行记录表") self.LogResult() def LogResult(self): periodTrade=self.paramas['period'] strategyname=self.paramas[...
1. This LICENSE AGREEMENT is between the Python Software Foundation ("PSF"), and the Individual ...
部分核心代码: from datetime import datetime import time from django.http.response import FileResponse from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from hnyhms_app.models import * import pandas as pd # 首页 def index(request): return render(request, 'index.html', context={'flag': True}) # ...
"baseListing" : { "copyrightAndTrademarkInfo" : "(C) 2017 Microsoft", # Up to 7 keywords may be provided in a listing. "keywords" : ["SampleApp", "SampleFightingGame", "GameOptions"], "licenseTerms" : "http://example.com/licenseTerms.aspx", "privacyPolicy" : "http://example...
You have assembled a really interesting, in-depth and useful course with what I now know to be your trademark qualities of enthusiasm, attention to detail, clarity and erudition. Tony Holdroyd, Gravesend, United Kingdom I felt this course is much needed to really understand the power of Pyth...
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and (d) If the Work includes...
"base_trademark") import_base_trademark ;; "activity_info") import_activity_info ;; "activity_order") import_activity_order ;; "cart_info") import_cart_info ;; "comment_info") import_comment_info ;; "coupon_info") import_coupon_info ;; "coupon_use") import_coupon_use ;; "favor_in...
Nuitka isthePython compiler. It is written in Python. It is a seamless replacement or extension to the Python interpreter and compileseveryconstruct that CPython 2.6, 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 have, when itself run with that Python version. ...
dewinize replaces curly quotes, bullets, and ™ (trademark symbol). asciize applies dewinize, drops diacritics, and replaces the 'ß'. Warning Different languages have their own rules for removing diacritics. For example, Germans change the 'ü' into 'ue'. Our asciize function is not...