Python有两种注释方式:单行注释和多行注释。单行注释在语句开头使用(#)号标注,而多行注释则使用成对的三个单撇号或双引号('''注释语句'''或"""注释语句""")将语句块包起来: 单行注释: # This is a single line comment in Python 多行注释: ''' For multi-line comment use three single quotes '''...
表示一个多行的字符串。在开始引号和结束引号之间的所有东西都属于一个单独的字符串的一部分,包括回车、前导空格、和其他引号字符。另外,如果字符串中即包含单引号,又包含多引号时也可以用三重引号(three double-quotes) 但是你会发现大部分时候它们在定义docstring(文档注释)的时候使用。 例如: defapproximate_size(...
Or three single quotes:Example a = '''Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididuntut labore et dolore magna aliqua.'''print(a) Try it Yourself » Note: in the result, the line breaks are inserted at the same position as in the code....
Output #33 shows how to replace single spaces in the string with commas. The resulting string is Let's,replace,the,spaces,in,this,sentence,with,other,characters.. lower, upper, capitalize The final three examples show how to use the lower, upper, and capitalize functions. The lower and upp...
\\ 反斜杠\ \' 单引号' \" 双引号" \n 换行符 ('\" Life is short , let\'s learn Python . \"') 原始字符串 print(r"D:\three\two\one\python") 字符末尾加\,表示字符还没完,字符串换行书写时用 Triple quotes :长字符串,三引号字符串,可以换行书写 ...
Python allows strings to be enclosed in single or double quote characters (they mean the same thing). It also allows multiline string literals enclosed in triple quotes (single or double)—when this form is used, all the lines are concatenated together, and end-of-line characters are added ...
# Comments start with hashfoo="strings are in quotes and are always UTF8 with escape codes:\n\u00E9"bar="""multi-line stringsuse three quotes"""baz='literal\strings\use\single\quotes'bat='''multiline\literals\usethree\quotes'''int=5# integers are just numbersfloat=5.0# floats have a...
Starting from Python 3.0, every un-prefixed string literal is Unicode. So, literals enclosed by single quotes ('), double quotes ("), or groups of three quotes (single or double) without any prefix represent the str datatype:>>> type("some string") <class 'str'> ...
In Python, you can enclose strings in either single quotes,in quotation marks, or in triple quotes. 让我们看一下字符串上的几个常见序列操作。 Let’s look at a couple of common sequence operations on strings. 让我先定义一个字符串。 Let me first define a string. 让我们来看看“Python” Let...
Whether to avoid using single quotes if a string contains single quotes, or vice-versa with double quotes, as per PEP8. This minimizes the need to escape quotation marks within strings. Default value: true Type: bool Example usage: [tool.ruff.flake8-quotes] # Don't bother trying to avoid...