用Python写代码的时候,在想看的地方写个print xx 就能在控制台上显示打印信息,这样子就能知道它是什么了,但是当我需要看大量的地方或者在一个文件中查看的时候,这时候print就不大方便了,所以Python引入了logging模块来记录我想要的信息。 print也可以输入日志,logging相对print来说更好控制输出在哪个地方,怎么输出及控...
#coding=utf-8 from threading import Thread,Lock from time import sleep class Task1(Thread): def run(self): while True: if lock1.acquire(): print("---Task 1 ---") sleep(0.5) lock2.release() class Task2(Thread): def run(self): while True: if lock2.acquire(): print("---Task...
{"name":"Python Debugger: Current File (Integrated Terminal)","type":"debugpy","request":"launch","program":"${file}","console":"integratedTerminal"},{"name":"Python Debugger: Current File (External Terminal)","type":"debugpy","request":"launch","program":"${file}","console":"...
print "please write the msg(exit to break)" msg = raw_input(">") #add a break reason:::kill the child thread if msg == 'exit': print "\n" print "Please waiting to close the connection..." time.sleep(1) break; msg = msg + '\r' + '\n' #AT form define #data=ser.write...
LOGGING_TO_CONSOLE = True # 日志输出到控制台 LOGGING_WHEN = 'D' # 日志文件切分维度 LOGGING_INTERVAL = 1 # 间隔少个 when 后,自动重建文件 LOGGING_BACKUP_COUNT = 15 # 日志保留个数,0 保留所有日志 LOGGING_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG # 日志等级 ...
Windows上的 filesystem 和 console 默认编码改为UTF-8。 json模块中的 json.load() 和 json.loads() 函数开始支持 binary 类型输入。 二.Python3.7新特性 Python 3.7于2018年6月27日发布, 包含许多新特性和优化,增添了众多新的类,可用于数据处理、针对脚本编译和垃圾收集的优化以及更快的异步I/O,主要如下: ...
params = { "username": "you@gmail.com", "password": "abc123", "to": "dest@...
Focus the DragonPy window and use Ctrl-V to paste the content. Looks like: Then justRUNand then it looks like this: DragonPy schematic Main Thread Sub Thread (Tkinter GUI) +---+ +---+ | | | | | +---+ | CPU cycles/sec queue |...
print也可以输入日志,logging相对print来说更好控制输出在哪个地方,怎么输出及控制消息级别来过滤掉那些不需要的信息。 1、日志级别 importlogging#引入logging模块logging.debug(u'python') logging.info(u'logging') logging.error(u'error') logging.warning(u'hahh') ...
@decorator_name def function_that_gets_passed_to_decorator(): ... Debugger Example Decorator that prints function's name every time the function is called. from functools import wraps def debug(func): @wraps(func) def out(*args, **kwargs): print(func.__name__) return func(*args, **...