from threading import Thread import time # res = None def call_back(res): print("任务结果拿到了:%s" % res) def parser(res): print("任务结果拿到了:%s" % res) def task(callback): # global res print("run") time.sleep(1) # # return 100 res = 100 # 表示任务结果 callback(res) ...
th.callback= self.on_unfollow_cb() th.start()exceptThread: print("Error: unable to start unfollow thread") 开发者ID:zhaihj,项目名称:birdie,代码行数:9,代码来源 示例2: on_retweet # 需要导入模块: from threading import Thread [as 别名]# 或者: from threading.Thread importcall...
1.主进程会等待所有子进程结束后才会程序结束2.主线程也会等待所有子线程结束后才会主线程结束3.from multiprocessing import Pool这个进程池,并不会等待所有的进程运行完成,而是主线程代码执行完成后程序就立即结束 .所以这个进程池需要加p.close()和p.join()4.from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecuto pyth...
'''利用回调函数,实现代码的多种功能的扩展性'''fromconcurrent.futuresimportThreadPoolExecutorimportrequestsdeftxt(future):#根据add_done_callbak 回调函数 执行下列操作download_response=future.result()#获取download函数返回的结果print('处理中',download_response.url,download_response.status_code,len(download_r...
threading 模块建立在 thread 模块之上。thread 模块以低级、原始的方式来处理和控制线程,而 threading 模块通过对 thread 进行二次封装,提供了更方便的 api 来处理线程。 1、直接调用(推荐写法) 1#!/usr/bin/env python2#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-3#Author: nulige45importthreading6importtime789defsayhi(num)...
def task(name, n): time.sleep(n) return f"{name} 睡了 {n} 秒" def callback(f): print(f.result()) executor = ThreadPoolExecutor() future = executor.submit(task, "屏幕前的你", 3) # 绑定回调,3 秒之后自动调用 future.add_done_callback(callback) """ 屏幕前的你 睡了 3 秒 "...
from threading import Thread from multiprocessing import Process import os def work(): print('hello',os.getpid()) if __name__ == '__main__': # part1:在主进程下开启多个线程,每个线程都跟主进程的pid一样 t1 = Thread(target=work) t2 = Thread(target=work) t1.start() t2.start() prin... 他用以下代码更改了示例代码:
When you call an exposed function, you can immediately pass a callback function afterwards. This callback will automatically be called asynchronously with the return value when the function has finished executing on the other side. For example, if we have the following function defined and exposed...
This can lead to deadlock if the timing is unlucky: the my_object_collected.set() call from the weakref callback tries to acquire locks already held by the current thread and deadlocks. Linked PRs gh-117688: Fix deadlock in test_no_stale_references with GIL disabled #117720 colesbury ...