代码如下: print("转换结果:",text) 1. 4. 示例代码 importspeech_recognitionassr# 创建 Recognizer 对象r=sr.Recognizer()# 从音频文件中读取音频audio_file="audio.wav"withsr.AudioFile(audio_file)assource:audio=r.record(source)# 使用 Recognizer 对象进行语音转文本text=r.recognize_google(audio)# 输出...
importpyttsx3 engine=pyttsx3.init()# object creation""" RATE"""rate=engine.getProperty('rate')# getting details of current speaking rateprint(rate)#printing current voice rateengine.setProperty('rate',125)# setting up new voice rate"""VOLUME"""volume=engine.getProperty('volume')#getting to k...
>>> from playsound import playsound >>> playsound('/path/to/a/sound/file/you/want/to/play.mp3') 说明:音频的播放需要在图形化页面下运行,因为命令行模式下,没有播放声音的出口。 python page2voice.py -u "https://so.gushiwen.org/shiwenv_c244fc77f6fb.aspx" 运行后,代码就会自动解析网页并进...
gTTS text to speech gTTS is a module and command line utility to save spoken text to mp3. It uses theGoogle Text to Speech (TTS) API. Listen to the voice sample below: Related Course:The Complete Machine Learning Course with Python This module supports many languages and sounds very natural...
Controlling the speed of speech Tweaking volume Saving the speech audio into a file Note: If you're on a Linux system and the voice output is not working with this library, then you should install espeak, FFmpeg, and libespeak1:
pip install SpeechRecognition 以下是示例代码: import speech_recognition as sr# 创建一个语音识别器对象recognizer = sr.Recognizer()# 朗读的指定文字challenge_text = "OpenAI is amazing"print("Please read the following text out loud: '{}'".format(challenge_text))# 使用麦克风录音with sr.Microphone(...
voice=None):"""Prints the given text. In addition, if the text field is not None, speaks the given text, optionally interrupting anything currently being spoken. Arguments: - text: the text to print andspeak- stop: if True, interrupt any speech currently being spoken ...
you’ll have a fully functional Python app that allows you to record audio on the fly and automatically transcribes it, making the task of voice-to-text conversion as easy as pressing a button. So, if you’re ready to dive into the world of speech-to-text and unlock the potential of...
In this blog post tutorial, we’ll learn how to take notes in Python using our voice, by taking an audio file and using AI speech-to-text to transcribe it. Re...
此部分提供了Python 示例(HTML5 客户端和 Python 服务器)中所述的 HTML5 客户端的代码。 Text-to-Speech Example Application/* * This sample code requires a web browser with support for both the * HTML5 and ECMAScript 5 standards; the following is a non-comprehensive * list of compliant browser...