TTS_voicename = "zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural" TTS_KEY = 'your key' TTS_region = 'eastus' TTS_locale = "zh-CN" #获取受支持语音列表 def get_voices(): region = TTS_region key = TTS_KEY url = 'https://{}
url = 'https://{}'.format(region) header = { 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': key } response = requests.get(url, headers=header) print(response.text) get_voices() 首先我们加载第三方库,由于我已经运行过代码,...
我尝试了下面的python代码来配置文本到语音,并使用SSML配置语音设置,并获得了如下所示的音频输出:- ...
voices.delete( Saving the output Saving manually The generate and generate_from_prompt endpoints return an iterator of bytes. Make sure to get all of the bytes before writing as demonstrated below. audio = client.text_to_speech.generate( text="Wow, Deeptune's text to speech API ...
client import ElevenLabs from elevenlabs import stream client = ElevenLabs( api_key="YOUR_API_KEY", # Defaults to ELEVEN_API_KEY ) def text_stream(): yield "Hi there, I'm Eleven " yield "I'm a text to speech API " audio_stream = client.generate( text=text_stream(), voice="...
:param client: TextToSpeechClient instance. :param voice: VoiceSelectionParams instance. :param audio_config: AudioConfig instance. :return: None """ if input_path.is_dir(): input_files = collect_input_files(input_directory_path=input_path) processed_files = 0 for input_file in input_...
Microsoft Bing Voice Recognition Houndify API IBM Speech To Text Snowboy Hotword Detection (offline) We gonna use Google Speech Recognition here, as it's straightforward and doesn't require any API key. Transcribing an Audio File Make sure you have an audio file in the current directory that co...
Hear Me Out: How to Convert Your Voice to Text with Spark NLP and Python Automatic Speech Recognition — ASR (or Speech to Text) is an essential task in NLP that can create text transcriptions of audio files. The open-sourceNLP Python libraryby John Snow Labs implemented two models for AS...
5. SpeechRecognition 5.1 语音转文本 5.2 使用不同语音识别引擎 5.3 语言支持与配置 5.4 将语音识别集成到应用中 5.5 实时语音识别 5.6 语音合成 5.7 自定义语法规则 5.8 多语言支持 6. Wave 6.1 Wave库简介 6.2 波形处理与分析 6.3 音频文件读写 6.4 音频信号生成和合成 6.5 音频剪切与拼接 6.6 音频采样与重...