Test applications, packages, and libraries large and small with pytest, Python’s most powerful testing framework. pytest helps you write tests quickly and keep them readable and maintainable. In this fully revised edition, explore pytest’s superpowers – simple asserts, fixtures, parametrization, ...
Do less work when testing your Python code, but be just as expressive, just as elegant, and just as readable. The pytest testing framework helps you write tests quickly and keep them readable and maintainable - with no boilerplate code. Using a robust yet simple fixture model, it's just ...
如果你想要更全面的介绍,Brian Okken 的书 Python Testing with pytest (务实书架,2017)值得一读。2.6 在新环境中运行单元测试开发人员通常有一个开发环境,在这个环境中,他们实现他们的变更,运行自动的,有时是手动的测试,提交他们的变更,并将它们推送到一个中央存储库。这样的开发环境倾向于积累 Python 包,这些包...
摘录来自: Brian Okken. “Python Testing with pytest。” 我很早就接触过python,在学习,练习期间,__init__.py这个文件一直很让我疑惑--有啥用? 看视频,查百度,结果要么就是一种规范,不必钻牛角尖,要么是标识一个目录是package 单纯就是为了标识一个目录是package,也太浪费了吧,为此单独创建规定命名的文件?
播客的主持人是Brian Okken。与其他两个播客不同,这个播客从名字来看,聚焦的主题是测试,目前已经发布了8期节目,大部分都是与测试有关的。另外,主持人正在写一本测试方面的书,名字叫《Python Testing with unittest, nose, pytest》,目前应该还未出版。从网站的内容来看,主持人开这个播客,应该和书中的内容是配套...
Brian Okken is perhaps best known as the author of Python Testing with pytest, as well as being the host of two podcasts. Find out more about the man behind the voice, his new meetup in Portland, and the advice he'd like to give to anyone who's new to te
is often either completely overlooked or done in an ad hoc way. Many Python programmers are completely unaware of the existence of pytest. Brian Okken takes the trouble to show that software testing with pytest is easy, natural, and even exciting. ➤ Dmitry Zinoviev Author of Data Science Es...
Read Python Testing with pytest by Brian Okken (book) Attend Introduction to Python Programming by Arianne Dee (live online course)Schedule The time frames are only estimates and may vary according to how the class is progressing. Week 1: URLs, Views, & Templates (4 hours) Getting started wi...
Also, since publication of the first edition, I have taught many, many people about pytest, and I think I’ve learned how to be a better teacher. The second edition not only expands on what is covered in the first edition—it grew from 7 to 17 chapters!—but also it presents the mat...
Brian Okken Updates to the Top pytest Plugins - now 200 I’m working on some updates to the Top pytest plugins list. For January’s numbers, I’ve used a tweak on the process. Starting with the process documented by Hugo for the Top PyPI Packages, I’m grabbing the entire data set ...