Before we wrap up, let's put your understanding of this example to the test! Can you solve the following challenge? Challenge: Write a function to check if the entered integer is odd or even. If the given number is odd, return "Odd". If the given number is even, return "Even". ...
实例(Python 3.0+) # Filename : author by : Python 判断奇数偶数# 如果是偶数除于 2 余数为 0# 如果余数为 1 则为奇数num=int(input("输入一个数字:"))if(num%2)==0:print("{0} 是偶数".format(num))else:print("{0} 是奇数".format(num)) 我们也可以使用内嵌...'))print(oddeven(1))print(oddeven(6))#终端或命令行工具中输入命令:python3 test.p...
>>> numbers[:] = [n for n in numbers if not odd(n)] # ahh, the beauty of it all >>> numbers [0, 2, 4, 6, 8] 48. 合理使用copy与deepcopy 对于dict和list等数据结构的对象,直接赋值使用的是引用的方式。而有些情况下需要复制整个对象,这时可以使用copy包里的copy和deepcopy,这两个函数...
self.__pass_phrase = pass_phrasedefdecrypt(self, pass_phrase):"""Only show the string if the pass_phrase is correct."""ifpass_phrase == self.__pass_phrase:returnself.__plain_stringelse:return"" 如果我们在交互式解释器中加载这个类并测试它,我们可以看到它将明文字符串隐藏在外部世界之外: ...
test.write("python is a language \npython is a great language ") test.close() test = open("test.txt", "r") str = print str test.close() #python is a language #python is a great language 7、文件位置 tell()方法告诉你...
=0:ifnum>maximum: maximum=num i +=1# printing the maximum ODD numberprint("The maximum ODD number :",maximum) Output The output of the above example is: RUN 1: Enter your number: 121 Enter your number: 234 Enter your number: 561 Enter your number: 800 Enter your number: 780 Enter...
(num_str) # 计算每个数字的n次方的和 armstrong_sum = sum(int(digit) ** n for digit in num_str) # 检查是否为Armstrong数 if armstrong_sum == num: return True else: return False # 测试例子 num = 153 if is_armstrong_number(num): print(f"{num}是Armstrong数") else: print(f"{nu...
主要工具是if语句,它有不同的形式和颜色,但基本上它评估一个表达式,并根据结果选择要执行的代码部分。像往常一样,让我们看一个例子: # conditional.1.pylate =Trueiflate:print('I need to call my manager!') 这可能是最简单的例子:当late被传递给if语句时,late充当条件表达式,在布尔上下文中进行评估(就像...
print(‘anagram’) if Counter(s1) == Counter(s2) else print(‘not an anagram’) 使用一行Python代码,就能判断出来了。 ▍2、二进制转十进制 decimal = int(‘1010’, 2) print(decimal) #10 ▍3、将字符串转换为小写 print(“Hi my name is XiaoF”.lower()) ...