original_text = "hello" modified_text = original_text.upper() # 返回"HELLO",但original_text未变3.1.2 整数(Integer)与浮点数(Float) 数值类型的创建与运算 在Python中,整数和浮点数也是不可变类型。创建时直接赋值即可,并可通过算术运算符进行常规计算。 number1 = 42 # 整数 number2 = 3.14 #...
【Excel VBA】 代码语言:javascript 复制 SubTest1()Dim intSC As Integer intSC=InputBox("请输入一个数字:")If intSC>=90Then Debug.Print"优秀"ElseIf intSC>=80Then Debug.Print"良好"ElseIf intSC>=70Then Debug.Print"中等"ElseIf intSC>=60Then Debug.Print"及格"Else Debug.Print"不及格"End ...
我们将该文件,放在桌面上,命名为IntegerArithmeticTestCase.py,然后执行该文件: 上面testAdd()函数与testMultiply()函数的两个断言都是正向的,现在我们将上面testMultiply()函数中的self.assertEqual((5 * 8), 40)改为self.assertEqual((5 * 8), 41),即该断言是无法通过的。重新执行文件,可以看到: 执行结果...
input_file = args.INPUT_FILE output_file = args.OUTPUT_FILEifargs.hash: ha = args.hash_algorithmprint("File hashing enabled with {} algorithm".format(ha))ifnotargs.log:print("Log file not defined. Will write to stdout") 当组合成一个脚本并在命令行中使用-h参数执行时,上述代码将提供以下...
print("Could not convert data to an integer.") except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise try/except...else try/except 语句还有一个可选的 else 子句,如果使用这个子句,那么必须放在所有的 except 子句之后。 else 子句将在 try 子句没有发生任何异常的时候执行。
assert(sum==9),"Integer addition result error!" except AssertionError,msg: print msg else: print "test pass!" if __name__=="__main__": print count.add(2,3) print count.minus(12,1) test_add() 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
It shows an instance of _longobject (for which PyLongObject is a typedef) for a Python long integer, and it tries to infer types for native classes that you author yourself. The children of this node are editable. If a child field of an object is of type PyObject, or another ...
It shows an instance of _longobject (for which PyLongObject is a typedef) for a Python long integer, and it tries to infer types for native classes that you author yourself. The children of this node are editable. If a child field of an object is of type PyObject, or another ...
其中,order_nos是订单列表,而在Python 3环境下运行时会提“TypeError:'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer”错误,意思是float类型不能解释为int类型。这是因为在Python 3中,int和long统一为int类型,int 表示任何精度的整数。在以前的Python 2版本中,如果参数是int或者是long的话,就会返回相除后结果...
ZeroDivisionError:integer division or modulo by zero 根据错误类型ZeroDivisionError,我们判断,int(s)本身并没有出错,但是int(s)返回0,在计算10 / 0时出错,至此,找到错误源头。 !> 出错的时候,一定要分析错误的调用栈信息,才能定位错误的位置。 8.1.3 记录错误 ...