那么会产生 IOError 异常print('---test--2---')print(num)# 如果num变量没有定义,那么会产生 NameError 异常except (IOError,NameError):#如果想通过一次except捕获到多个异常可以用一个元组的方式print('捕获到 IOError 或者 NameError 错误') print...
Fixtures define the steps and data that constitute thearrangephase of a test (seeAnatomy of a test). In pytest, they are functions you define that serve this purpose. They can also be used to define a test’sactphase; this is a powerful technique for designing more complex tests. 谷歌翻...
suite.addTest(Mytest("test_add")) suite.addTest(Mytest("test_minus")) 1. 2. 3. 4. if __name__ =="__main__": unittest.main(defaultTest='suite') 1. 2. 2.若测试用例都是以 test开头,则用 makeSuite()方法一次性运行 def suite(): return unittest.makeSuite(Mytest,"test") 1. 2...
1. 尝试只读方式打开test.txt文件,如果文件存在则读取文件内容,文件不存在则提示用户即可。 2. 读取内容要求:尝试循环读取内容,读取过程中如果检测到用户意外终止程序,则except捕获异常并提示用户。 content = f.readline() if len(content) == 0: time.sleep(2) print(content) # 如果在读取文件的过程中,产生...
if__name__ =='__main__': unittest.main() 编写方法 test_str.py,测试文件名约定 test_xxx import unittest ,python 自带,无需额外 pip 安装 class 名字 Test 打头 类继承 unittest.TestCase 每个单测方法命名 test_xxx 每个测试的关键是:调用assertEqual()来检查预期的输出;调用assertTrue()或assertFalse...
外层函数捕获异常:name'num'isnotdefined 结束执行test0333333 抛出自定义的异常 1. 抛出自定义的异常 用户可用 raise语句 来人为抛出一个异常。 异常/错误对象必须有一个名字,且它们应是Exception类的子类 语法格式: # 1. 自定义异常类class自定义异常类名字(Exception):1.1重新写__init__(self,形参1, 形参2,...
self.originalname) # type: ignore[attr-defined] # 运行测试用例 def runtest(self...
class Test_ABC: def setup_class(self): print("--->setup_class") def teardown_class(self): print("--->teardown_class") @pytest.mark.parametrize("a,b", return_test_data()) # 使用函数返回值的形式传入参数值 def test_a(self, a, b): print("test data:a=%d,b=%d" % (a, b))...
Then it’s easy to test whether a variable is bound toNone: if x is None: some_fallback_operation( ) else: some_operation(x) Discussion Python doesn’t have a specific function to test whether a variable is defined, since all variables are expected to have been defined before use, even...
Ideally, I would like to have a presence test that works for either a DataFrame or Python None. Here is one way this can work: if not isinstance(df1, type(None)): # do something However, testing for type is really slow. t = timeit.Timer('if None: pass') t.timeit() # ...