[]defregister_input_filter_hook(self,input_filter_fn):""" register input filterfunction,parameter is content dictArgs:input_filter_fn:input filterfunctionReturns:""" self.input_filter_fn=input_filter_fn definsert_queue(self,content):""" insert content to queueArgs:content:dictReturn...
Thisisthe midpoint between the Conversion Lineandthe Base Line. The Leading Span A forms one of the two Cloud boundaries. Itisreferred toas"Leading"because itisplotted26periodsinthe futureandforms the faster Cloud boundary. Senkou Span B (Leading Span B): (52-period high +52-period low)/2...
Use classes as decorators You saw that, to define a decorator, you typically define a function returning a wrapper function. The wrapper function uses *args and **kwargs to pass on arguments to the decorated function. If you want your decorator to also take arguments, then you need to nest...
Click on New as shown in Figure 2-2, and choose Python 3. It will open a new tab in your current browser and create a new notebook for you, where you can play with the Python code. You can execute any Python code, import libraries, plot charts, and markdown cells. 图2-2 木星笔...
from datetimeimportdatetimeimportmatplotlib.pylabasplt 代码语言:javascript 复制 # 读取数据,pd.read_csv默认生成DataFrame对象,需将其转换成Series对象 df=pd.read_csv('AirPassengers.csv',encoding='utf-8',index_col='date')df.index=pd.to_datetime(df.index)# 将字符串索引转换成时间索引 ...
register input filter function, parameter is content dict Args: input_filter_fn: input filter function Returns: """ self.input_filter_fn = input_filter_fn def insert_queue(self, content): """ insert content to queue Args: content: dict ...
['', None] and check_parameter(file_name): raise ZTPErr('Invalid filename of {} file, the name should not contain: {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} .'\ .format(file_type, '&', '>', '<', '"', "'", "|", '`', '$')) _, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name) if (...
float_format : one-parameter function, optional, default None Formatter function to apply to columns' elements if they are floats. This function must return a unicode string and will be applied only to the non-``NaN`` elements, with ``NaN`` being handled by ``na_rep``. .. versioncha...
(f"The device deployment file infos: {get_file_info_str(file_info_list)}.", LOG_INFO_TYPE) startup_info.update({'FILE_INFO': file_info_list}) def check_parameter(aset): seq = ['&', '>', '<', '"', "'", "|", '`', '$', ';', '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', ...
register input filter function, parameter is content dict Args: input_filter_fn: input filter function Returns: """ self.input_filter_fn = input_filter_fn definsert_queue(self, content): """ insert content to queue Args: content: dict ...