/usr/bin/env pythonfrom__future__importprint_functionfromtacacs_plus.clientimportTACACSClientfromtacacs_plus.flagsimportTAC_PLUS_ACCT_FLAG_START,TAC_PLUS_ACCT_FLAG_WATCHDOG,TAC_PLUS_ACCT_FLAG_STOPimportsocket# For IPv6, use `family=socket.AF_INET6`cli=TACACSClient('host',49,'secret',timeout...
configparser 模块是 Python 标准库中用于处理配置文件的模块,它可以读取、写入和修改配置文件。配置文件...
Telnet 数据以明文格式发送,因此您的凭据和密码可能会被执行中间人攻击的任何人捕获和查看。一些服务提供商和企业仍然使用它,并将其与 VPN 和 radius/tacacs 协议集成,以提供轻量级和安全的访问。 按照以下步骤来理解整个脚本: 我们将在 Python 脚本中导入telnetlib模块,并将用户名和密码定义为变量,如下面的代码片段所...
64 covia Communications Integrator (CI) 通讯接口 65 tacacs-ds TACACS-Database Service TACACS数据库服务 66 sql*net Oracle SQL*NET Oracle SQL*NET 67 bootps Bootstrap Protocol Server 引导程序协议服务端 68 bootpc Bootstrap Protocol Client 引导程序协议客户端 69 tftp Trivial File Transfer 小型文件传输...
TacacsplusServer Taxii TaxiiRpzconfig Tenant Tftpfiledir ThreatanalyticsModuleset ThreatanalyticsWhitelist ThreatinsightCloudclient ThreatprotectionGridRule ThreatprotectionNatrule ThreatprotectionProfile ThreatprotectionProfileRule ThreatprotectionRule ThreatprotectionRulecategory ...
All members of a group must belong to the Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS+) protocol. The servers are tried in the same order in which you configure them. You can configure these server groups at any time but they only take effect when you appl...
add_table_kv('TACPLUS', 'global', 'passkey', secret) else: click.echo('Not support empty argument') click.echo('Argument "secret" is required') tacacs.add_command(passkey) default.add_command(passkey) 2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 config/main.py Original file line numberDiff...
tacacs 49/udp # Login Host Protocol (TACACS) re-mail-ck 50/tcp # Remote Mail Checking Protocol re-mail-ck 50/udp # Remote Mail Checking Protocol domain 53/tcp # name-domain server domain 53/udp whois++ 63/tcp whois++ 63/udp