In the above example, we have used awhileloop to print the numbers from1to3. The loop runs as long as the conditionnumber <= 3isTrue. while Loop Syntax whilecondition:# body of while loop Here, Thewhileloop evaluatescondition, which is a boolean expression. If the condition isTrue,body...
for loop Syntax for val in sequence: # body of the loop Theforloop iterates over the elements ofsequencein order. In each iteration, the body of the loop is executed. The loop ends after the last item in the sequence is reached. ...
The for loop and while loop are two different approaches to executing the loop statements in python. They both serve the same functionality of looping over a python code till a condition is being fulfilled. For loops and while loops differ in their syntax. In while loops, we have to mention...
numbers=[]whilei<num:print"At the top i is %d"%i numbers.append(i) i=i+stepprint"Numbers now:",numbersprint"At the bottom i is %d"%iprint"The numbers:"forninnumbers:printndeftest_fun2(num,step): numbers=[]foriinrange(0,num,step):print"At the top i is %d"%i numbers.append(i...
Syntax of while Loop in Python The syntax of the while loop in Python is given below. while condition: # Code block to be executed In this syntax, conditionis a boolean expression that is evaluated at the start of each loop iteration. ...
Aforloop can have anelseclause as well. The interpretation is analogous to that of awhileloop. Theelseclause will be executed if the loop terminates through exhaustion of the iterable: Python >>>foriin['foo','bar','baz','qux']:...print(i)...else:...print('Done.')# Will execute...
Anytime you have need to repeat a block of code a fixed amount of times. If you do not know the number of times it must be repeated, use a “while loop” statement instead. For loop Python Syntax The basic syntax of the for loop in Python looks something similar to the one mentioned...
whilei <6: print(i) i +=1 Try it Yourself » Note:remember to increment i, or else the loop will continue forever. Thewhileloop requires relevant variables to be ready, in this example we need to define an indexing variable,i, which we set to 1. ...
The basic loop structure in Python is while loop. Here is the syntax.Syntax:while (expression) : statement_1 statement_2 ...The while loop runs as long as the expression (condition) evaluates to True and execute the program block. The condition is checked every time at the beginning of...
In such cases, use a while loop. Fixed number of times: Print the multiplication table of 2. In this case, you know how many iterations you need. Here you need 10 iterations. In such a case use for loop. for loop in Python Syntax of for loop for i in range/sequencee: statement ...