classtimedelta:"""Represent the difference between two datetime objects. Supported operators: - add, subtract timedelta - unary plus, minus, abs - compare to timedelta - multiply, divide by int In addition, datetime supports subtraction of two datetime objects returning a timedelta, and addition or...
You can add (or subtract) a timedelta or multiple thereof to a datetime object to yield a new shifted object: In [18]: from datetime import timedelta In [19]: start = datetime(2011, 1, 7) In [20]: start + timedelta(12) Out[20]: datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 19, 0, 0) In [21...
我们可以使用timedelta对象来表示时间差,然后将其应用到日期对象上。 # 引用形式的描述信息:导入timedelta模块fromdatetimeimporttimedelta# 创建一个时间差对象,表示要减去的年份years_to_subtract=timedelta(days=365*years_to_subtract)# 从日期对象中减去指定的年份new_date=date_obj-years_to_subtract 1. 2. 3. ...
You can add (or subtract) a timedelta or multiple thereof to a datetime object to yield a new shifted object: In[18]:fromdatetimeimporttimedelta In[19]:start=datetime(2011,1,7)In[20]:start+timedelta(12)Out[20]:datetime.datetime(2011,1,19,0,0)In[21]:start-2*timedelta(12)Out[21]:d...
Addition (+)Adds and returns two timedelta objects Subtraction (-)Subtracts and returns two timedelta objects Multiplication (*)Multiplies timedelta object with float or int Division (/)Divides the timedelta object with float or int Floor division (//)Divides the timedelta object with float or int...
importdatetimedefsubtract_one_hour(time_str):# 解析时间字符串为datetime对象time_obj=datetime.datetime.strptime(time_str,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')# 使用timedelta进行时间减去1小时的操作new_time_obj=time_obj-datetime.timedelta(hours=1)# 将结果转换为指定的格式并输出new_time_str=new_time_obj.strftime...
subtract_time_object = time.strptime(subtract_time_string, format_string) 5、计算两个时间之间的差值:我们可以使用time.mktime()函数来计算两个时间之间的差值,这个函数接受一个struct_time对象作为参数,并返回一个浮点数,表示从1970年1月1日以来的秒数,我们可以通过将这个浮点数除以秒数(60秒/分钟,60分钟/小...
asfreq slice_shift xs mad infer_objects rpow drop_duplicates mul cummax corr droplevel dtypes subtract rdiv filter multiply to_dict le dot aggregate pop rolling where interpolate head tail size iteritems rmul take iat to_hdf to_timestamp shift hist std sum at_time tz_localize axes swaplevel ...
我们可以将该类加载到 Python 3 解释器中,这样我们就可以交互式地使用它。为了做到这一点,将前面提到的类定义保存在一个名为first_class.py的文件中,然后运行python -i first_class.py命令。-i参数告诉 Python运行代码然后转到交互式解释器。以下解释器会话演示了与这个类的基本交互:...
Firstly we need to import thedatetime module. importdatetime Then we will set the current_time to a datetime variable. The current date is initially in this form: print("String Format of Current Date and Time:",current_date)# String Format of Current Dat...