source_cmd ='source /etc/profile', shell=True, executable="/bin/bash", capture_output=True)
Out[5]:0In[6]:subprocess.check_call('exit 1',shell=True)---CalledProcessError Traceback(most recent call last)<ipython-input-6-5e148d3ce640>in<module>--->1subprocess.check_call('exit 1',shell=True)/usr/local/python381/lib/python3.8/subprocess.pyincheck_call(*popenargs,**kwargs)362i...
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) wait_time = 0.2 use_time ...
subprocess.Popen(['source', '/Users/***/Desktop/mio/worker/venv/bin/activate']) The latest call's traceback occurred in the "" file at line 3. The subprocess module was used to execute the command "source" along with the path to the virtual environment's activation script located...
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] 系统找不到指定的文件。 根据报错信息可以推断 optimize()->gifsicle()->call()->__init__()->_execute_child() 分别查看函数,发现call()用于运行命令,上网查找关于subprocess.pycall函数的相关信息。 发现: 错误原因: ...
Note: If you’re trying to decide whether you need subprocess or not, check out the section on deciding whether you need subprocess for your task. You may come across other functions like call(), check_call(), and check_output(), but these belong to the older subprocess API from Python...
输出--输入状态嘛 输出内容 异常处理,*, stdin=None, input=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=False, timeout=None,check=False, universal_newlines=False) 如果shell为True,那么指定的命令将通过shell执行。如管道、文件名通配符、环境变量扩展功能 ...
Python的subprocess.Popen()和source 我正在尝试调试的第三方Python 2.5脚本让我受阻。该脚本的相关部分是: proc = subprocess.Popen( "ls && source houdini_setup", shell = True, executable = "/bin/bash", ) 有一个监听端口5001并运行上述脚本的守护进程。脚本运行时,它会失败,并显示以下错误:...
To solve the error This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip, upgrade your versions of pip, setuptools and wheel.