str_name="abcdefghi"last_suffix="i"ifstr_name.endswith(last_suffix):str_name=str_name.replace(last_suffix,"")print("After deleting the last specified character from the given string:",str_name) 输出 代码语言:javascript 复制 After deleting the last specified character from the given string:a...
Character keys will be then converted to ordinals. If there are two arguments, they must be strings of equal length, and in the resulting dictionary, each character in x will be mapped to the character at the same position in y. If there is a third argument, it must be a string, who...
6、identifier:名称/标识符 7、character :字符 二、字符串的操作 1、user:用户 2、name:姓名/名称 3、attribute:字段/属性 4、value:值 5、key:键 三、重复/转换/替换/原始字符串 1、upper:上面 2、lower:下面 3、capitalize:用大写字母写或印刷 4、title:标题 5、replace:替换 6、old:旧的 7、new:新...
string.replace(oldvalue, newvalue, count)#oldvalue:必需,要检索的字符串;newvalue:必需,替换旧值得字符串;count:可选,数字,指定要替换的旧值出现次数,默认为所有的出现。 #!/usr/bin/python #替换前两次出现的单词“one” txt="one one was a race horse, two two was one too" x=txt.replace("one"...,character) #length:必需,所返回字符串的长度;character:可选,填补两侧缺失空间的字符,默认是“”(空格)。 #!/usr/bin/python #使用字母“o"作为填充字符 txt= "banana" x =,"o") print(x) #输出结果:ooooooobananaooooooo ...
test="Python Programming"print("String: ",test)# First one character first_character=test[:1]print("First Character: ",first_character)# Last one character last_character=test[-1:]print("Last Character: ",last_character)# Everything except the first one character except_first=test[1:]print...
'string learn' >>> str.replace('n','N') 'striNg lEARN' >>> str.replace('n','N',1) 'striNg lEARn' >>> str.strip('n') #删除字符串首尾匹配的字符,通常用于默认删除回车符 'string lEAR' >>> str.lstrip('n') #左匹配 'string lEARn' >>> str.rstrip('n') #右匹配 'stri...
s[1:100] is 'ello' — an index that is too big is truncased down to the string length 标准的从0开始的索引使得容易访问String前部的字符, 作为代替方案, Python使用附属来更容易的读取在在字符串末尾的字符:s[:-1] 是最后一位的字符,s[:-2]是倒数第二位(next-to-last) 的字符. 负的索引数...
replace("a","@",4))# 全部替换结果: @-b-@-b-@-b-@-b# 从左往右替换结果1次: @-b-a...
# A single quote stringsingle_quote='a'# This is an example of a character in other programming languages. It is a string in Python# Another single quote stringanother_single_quote='Programming teaches you patience.'# A double quote stringdouble_quote="aa"# Another double-quote stringanother...