print("Runtime for this program was {} seconds.".format(end_time-start_time)) 保存该程序并运行它。几秒后,你可以在解释器窗口的底部看到如下输出信息: Runtime for this program was 222.73954558372498 seconds. 从解释器窗口中的输出结果来看,程序的运行时间比原来要长,这是因为本次统计的不是函数find_pal...
这些单词都是回文(Palindrome),无论是从前往后拼写,还是从后往前拼写,它们都构成同一个单词。回文短语在这方面表现得更加明显,整个短语正着拼写和倒着拼写都表达同样的意思。拿破仑就是一位著名的回文创造者。拿破仑曾被流放到厄尔巴岛,当第一次见到这个岛时他说道:“Able was I ere I saw Elba.” 2011年,DC...
return string == string[::-1]测试 print(is_palindrome("A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!")) # True print(is_palindrome("race a car")) # False 程序中,定义了一个函数`is_palindrome(string)`,用于判断给定字符串`string`是否为回文串。该函数的实现如下:首先,将字符串中的空...
目录 字符串反转string[::-1] 回文 palindrome Python 字符串反转string[::-1] Slice notation "[a : b : c]" means "count in increments of c starting at a inclusive, up to b exclusive". If c is negative you count backwards, if omitted it is 1. If a is omitted then you start as f...
def is_palindrome(string: str) -> bool: return string == string[::-1] In some other occasions though (like technical interviews), you may have to write a "proper" algorithm to find the palindrome. In this case, the following should do the trick: def is_palindrome(string: str) ->...
def palindrome(string): from re import sub s = sub('[\W_]', '', string.lower()) return s == s[::-1] palindrome('taco cat') # True 26. 不使用 if-else 的计算子 这一段代码可以不使用条件语句就实现加减乘除、求幂操作,它通过字典这一数据结构实现: ...
for i in string: if i >= '0' and i <= '9': continue else: return False else: return True 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 2、leetcode 5题 最长回文子串 class Solution(object): def longestPalindrome(self, s): ...
Check Palindrome in Python Using List Slicing Example # Enter string word = input() # Check for palindrome strings using list slicing if str(word) == str(word)[::-1]: print("Palindrome") else: print("Not Palindrome") The program begins by prompting the user to input a string using ...
print("Input a string: ")str1=input()no_of_ucase,no_of_lcase=0,0forcinstr1:ifc>='A'andc<='Z':no_of_ucase+=1ifc>='a'andc<='z':no_of_lcase+=1print("Input string is: ",str1)print("Total number of uppercase letters: ",no_of_ucase)print("Total nu...
=Quit:# Display the menu.display_menu()# Constant to assume string is Palindrome is_palindrome=True # Get the user's choice.choice=int(input('\nEnter your choice: '))# Perform the selected action.ifchoice==Continue:line=input("\nEnter a string: ")str_lower=re.sub("[^a-z0-9]",...