org/python-get-last-n-characters-of-a-string/给定一个字符串和一个整数 N,任务是编写一个 python 程序来打印字符串的最后 N 个字符。示例:输入:极客为极客!;N = 4 输出:例! 说明:给定的字符串是极客为极客!最后 4 个字符是 eks!。 输入:PYTHON;N=1 输出: N 说明:给定的字符串是 PYTHON,最后一...
importre string="Hello, world!"pattern=r".{3}$"# 匹配最后3个字符,string) 输出:ld! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 上述代码中,我们使用正则表达式".{3}$"来匹配最后3个字符,然后使用方...
defget_last_n_characters(string,n):returnstring[-n:]string="Hello, World!"last_three_characters=get_last_n_characters(string,3)print(last_three_characters)# 输出:ld! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 在上面的示例中,我们定义了一个函数get_last_n_characters,接受一个字符串和一个整数n作为参数,返回字...
7 8 Public module variables: 9 10 whitespace -- a string containing all characters considered whitespace 11 lowercase -- a string containing all characters considered lowercase letters 12 uppercase -- a string containing all characters considered uppercase letters 13 letters -- a string containing ...
python字符串常用的方法 1. find( ):在字符串中搜索指定的值并返回它被找到的位置,如果没有找到,则返回-1 string.find(value,start,end) #value:必需,要检索的值;start:可选,开始检索的位置,默认是0;end:可选,结束检索的位置,默认是字符串的
word[4:]# Characters from position 4 (included) to the end. 输出为: Output 'on' 此示例显示在开始位置使用负索引: Python word[-2:]# Characters from the second-to-last (included) to the end. 输出为: Output 'on' 该特征表示s[:i] + s[i:]始终等于s,如下所示: ...
“Remember that Python starts counting indexes from 0 not 1. Just like it does with the range function, it considers the range of values between the first and one less than last number. 2. Modifying strings: Apart from trying to access certain characters inside a string, we might want to...
test="Python Programming"print("String: ",test)# First one character first_character=test[:1]print("First Character: ",first_character)# Last one character last_character=test[-1:]print("Last Character: ",last_character)# Everything except the first one character except_first=test[1:]print...
4. 5. Output: 复制 6566676869 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 复制 # Convert digit characters to their ASCII decimal numbersascii_digits=string.digits# Output: 0123456789forone_digitinascii_digits[:5]:# Loop through 01234print(ord(one_digit))
Last update on November 09 2023 09:23:51 (UTC/GMT +8 hours) Python String: Exercise-47 with SolutionWrite a Python program to lowercase the first n characters in a string.Sample Solution:Python Code:# Define a string 'str1'. str1 = 'W3RESOURCE.COM' # Convert the first four ...