import time start_time = time.time() # 三重循环 for a in range(1001): for b in range(1001): for c in range(1001): if a + b + c == 1000 and a**2 + b**2 == c**2: print("a:{}, b:{}, c:{}".format(a, b, c)) end_time = time.time() print("used time: %...
>>> string = " I $ love $ Python" >>> print(string.split()) ['I', '$', 'love', '$', 'Python'] >>> print(string.split('$')) [' I ', ' love ', ' Python']温馨提示: 在未指定sep参数时,也不能指定maxsplit参数,split()方法默认采用空字符进行分割,但当字符串中有连续的空格...
根据PEP 701的作者的说法,这就是他们没有取消限制的原因: The reason is that this [removing the restriction] will introduce a considerable amount of complexity [in the f-string parsing code] for no real benefit. 原因是这[删除限制]将[在f字符串解析代码中]引入相当大的复杂性,而没有真正的好处 除...
以下代码打印出了两个列表,分别表示f1和f2的函数组合,首先使用 for 循环计算,然后使用列表推导计算: deff1(x):returnx*2deff2(x):returnx*4lst=[]foriinrange(16): lst.append(f1(f2(i)))print(lst)print([f1(x)forxinrange(64)ifxin[f2(j)forjinrange(16)]]) 输出的第一行是来自于 for 循环...
Given a sorted array of distinct integers and a target value, return the index if the target is found. If not, return the index where it would be if it were inserted in order. You must write an algorithm with O(log n) runtime complexity. ...
Return a complex number with the value real + imag*1j or convert a string or number to a complex number. (Source)In this explanation, real and imag are names of the function arguments. The second argument gets multiplied by the imaginary unit j, and the result is added to the first ...
TipDebugging information can also be seen by hovering over code, such as variables. In the case ofmsg, hovering over the variable will display the stringRoll a dice!in a box above the variable. You can also work with variables in theDebug Console(If you don't see it, selectDebug Console...
Usually, you need to use%TIME%or at least%PID%to make a path unique, and this is mainly intended for use cases, where e.g. you want things to reside in a place you choose or abide your naming conventions. Important For disabling output and stderr with--force-stdout-specand--force-...
Here's a quick reference to using Sphinx-style reST in your function docstrings: defget(url,qsargs=None,timeout=5.0):"""Send an HTTP GET request.:param url: URL for the new request.:type url: str:param qsargs: Converted to query string arguments.:type qsargs: dict:param timeout: I...
我们可以使用 Python 的 f-string 进行字符串格式化和插值,f-string 是以字母 F (大写小写都行)为前缀的字符串文本 这种文本允许插入变量和表达式,Python 会对其进行评估以生成最终字符串 自从在 Python 3.6 版本中引入以来,f-string 在 Python 社区内已经广泛流行起来。人们对它们的采纳热情高涨,并将其作为现代 ...