week= Enum("Week", (["JAN", "TUE",... ])) 传入tuple元组 week = Enum("Week", ("JAN", "TUE")) 传入字典 week= Enum("Week", ({"JAN":"1", "TUE":"2"})) 传入string字符串 week= Enum("Week", "JAN TUE") 2)定义一个类,继承Enum class Week(Enum): JAN = 1 TUE = 2 2...
enum是 Python 自 3.4 版本引入的内置模块,如果你使用的是更早的版本,可以通过pip install enum34来安装它。下面是使用 enum 的样例代码: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 #-*-coding:utf-8-*-fromenumimportIntEnumclassTripSource(IntEum):FROM_WEBSITE=11FROM_IOS_CLIENT=12def...
tree=ET.parse('./resource/movie.xml')root=tree.getroot()all_data=[]formovieinroot:# 存储电影数据的字典 movie_data={}# 存储属性的字典 attr_data={}# 取出 type 标签的值movie_type=movie.find('type')attr_data['type']=movie_type.text# 取出 format 标签的值movie_format=movie.find('format...
classEnum(object): __slots__=args.split() def__init__(self): fori, keyinenumerate(Enum.__slots__, start): setattr(self, key, i) returnEnum() e_dir=enum('up down left right') printe_dir.down #way5 #some times we need use enum value as string Directions={'up':'up','down...
enum PyUnicode_Kind { /* String contains only wstr byte characters. This is only possible when the string was created with alegacyAPI and _PyUnicode_Ready() has not been called yet. */ PyUnicode_WCHAR_KIND = 0, /* Return values of the PyUnicode_KIND() macro: */ ...
fromenumimportEnumclassStatus(Enum):NO_STATUS=-1NOT_STARTED=0IN_PROGRESS=1COMPLETED=2print(Status.IN_PROGRESS.name)# IN_PROGRESSprint(Status.COMPLETED.value)# 2 ▍9、重复字符串 name="Banana"print(name*4)# BananaBananaBananaBanana ▍10、比较3个数字的大小 ...
class DuplicateVehicleType(Enum): CAR = 1 TRUCK = 2 MOTORCYCLE = 3 # BUS and MOTORCYCLE have duplicate values BUS = 3 except ValueError as e: print(f"Error: {e}") 输出: 复制 Error: duplicate values found in : BUS -> MOTORCYCLE ...
String or a 'csv.Dialect' object. 'delimiter' - A one-character string used to separate fields. 'lineterminator' - How writer terminates rows. Reader is hardcoded to '\n', '\r', '\r\n'. 'quotechar' - Character for quoting fields that contain special characters. 'escapechar' - ...