defget_last_character(string):last_char=string[-1]returnlast_char# 测试代码my_string="Python is awesome"result=get_last_character(my_string)print(f"The last character of '{my_string}' is '{result}'") 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 运行上面的代码,你将会看到输出结果为: The last char...
String- str: str+__init__(str)+get_last_character() : str 通过上面的代码示例和图示,相信读者已经对如何使用Python来判断字符串的最后一个字符有了一定的了解。这些方法简单直接,易于掌握,在实际应用中也非常实用。希望本文对读者有所帮助,谢谢阅读!
integer int 数字 string str 字符串 define 定义 delete del 删除 rencent 最近的(时间方面) last 最后的 call 调用 tools 工具 professional 专业的 Development 开发 developer 开发者 community 社区 setup 安装 guide 想到 installation 安装 recommend 建议 application 应用 possible 可能 computer 电脑 next 下一...
word[-1]# Last character. 输出为: Output 'n' 同样地,其他负索引会从相应的位置返回字符: Python word[-2]# Second-to-last character. 输出为: Output 'o' 切片 Python 既支持索引,也支持切片,前者从字符串中提取单个字符,后者提取子字符串(或切片)。 若要进行切片,需采用“开始:结束”格式指示范围。
python的string模块 1.字符串属性方法操作: 1.>字符串格式输出对齐 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 >>> str = "Python stRING" >>> print #生成20个字符长度,str排中间 Python stRING >>> print str.ljust(20) #生成20个字符长度,str左对齐 Python stRING >>> print str.rjust...
What if you want to print the last character of a string but you don’t know how long it is?You can do that usingnegative indexes. In the example above, we don’t know the length of the string, but we know that the word ‘text’ plus the exclamation sign take five indices, so ...
test="Python Programming"print("String: ",test)# First one character first_character=test[:1]print("First Character: ",first_character)# Last one character last_character=test[-1:]print("Last Character: ",last_character)# Everything except the first one character except_first=test[1:]print...
As we saw in Section 1.2 for lists, strings are indexed, starting from zero. When we index a string, we get one of its characters (or letters). A single character is nothing special—it’s just a string of length 1. >>>monty[0] ...
bvalue = longstringimportdmPython conn = dmPython.connect(user='SYSDBA', password='***', server='localhost', port=51236) cursor = conn.cursor()try:#清理测试环境cursor.execute("select object_id from all_objects where object_type='TABLE' and OBJECT_NAME='BIG_DATA';") big...
1. Python数据类型(6个) 1.1 数值型(number) 1.2 字符型(string) 字符串常用方法 转义字符 可迭代性 f-string 1.3 列表(list) 1.4 字典(dictionary) 1.5 集合(set) 1.6 元组(tuple) 1.7 内存视图Memoryview 2. 动态引用、强类型 3. 二元运算符和比较运算 4. 标量类型 5. 三元表达式 ...