splitted_string = string.split(",")print(splitted_string) # 输出 ['Hello', ' World!']6. join(): 将一个可迭代对象中的字符串元素按指定的分隔符连接成一个新的字符串。list_of_strings = ['Hello', 'World', '!']joined_string = '-'.join(list_of_strings)print(joined_string) # 输出...
有序容器,在python中也可以叫做序列,序列包括字符串(String)、列表(List)、元组(Tuple)。也就是说,这三种数据,是可以通过下标的方式直接访问存储在容器中的数据的,举个栗子: # 字符串 >>> str1 = 'Hello World!' # 列表 >>> list1 = [1,2,3,4] # 元组 >>> tuple1 = (1,2,3) # 打印输出 ...
List of frequently used string functions The table below shows many common string functions along with description and its equivalent function in MS Excel. We all use MS Excel in our workplace and familiar with the functions used in MS Excel. The comparison of string functions in MS EXCEL and...
letters -- a string containing all characters considered letters digits -- a string containing all characters considered decimal digits hexdigits -- a string containing all characters considered hexadecimal digits octdigits -- a string containing all characters considered octal digits punctuation -- a s...
This tutorial explains various string (character) functions used in Python, with examples. To manipulate strings and character values, python has several built-in functions. List of Frequently Used String Functions in Python The table below shows many common string functions in Python along with thei...
String(字符串) List(列表) Tuple(元组) Set(集合) Dictionary(字典) Python3 的六个标准数据类型中: 不可变数据:Number(数字)、String(字符串)、Tuple(元组); 可变数据:List(列表)、Dictionary(字典)、Set(集合)。 Number数据类型分为int(整数)、float(浮点数)、bool(布尔型)、complex(复数)。
2.string模块源代码 1 """A collection of string operations (most are no longer used). 2 3 Warning: most of the code you see here isn't normally used nowadays. 4 Beginning with Python 1.6, many of these functions are implemented as 5 methods on the standard string object. They used...
You can send any data types of argument to a function (string, number, list, dictionary etc.), and it will be treated as the same data type inside the function. E.g. if you send a List as an argument, it will still be a List when it reaches the function: ...
1. Creating a String InPython, astringliteral is: an array of bytes representing unicode characters surrounded by eithersingle quotation marks, ordouble quotation marks of unlimited length str='hello world'str="hello world" Amulti-line stringis created usingthree single quotesorthree double quotes...
my_string = "Hello"my_iterator = iter(my_string)print(next(my_iterator)) # 输出:Hprint(next(my_iterator)) # 输出:eprint(next(my_iterator)) # 输出:lprint(next(my_iterator)) # 输出:lprint(next(my_iterator)) # 输出:o 生成器 生成器(Generator)是一种特殊的迭代器,它可以...