0,1,NULL);...rv=_beginthread(bootstrap,_pythread_stacksize,&obj);/* wait for thread to initialize, so we can get its id */WaitForSingleObject(obj.done,INFINITE);// 挂起returnobj.id;}
对于积累态(ACCUMULATING)的实现非常简单,就是调用_PyUnicodeWriter_WriteStr向writer中写入了一个Python字符串decoded,这个decoded也就是经过了前置步骤处理了换行符的obj。 实现态(REALIZED)部分,也就是在有非空字符串作为初始值的__init__函数中实际使用的部分,其实现分为了3步,第一步是在需要写入新区域是进行一...
obj = (PyObject *) PyObject_MALLOC(struct_size + (size + 1) * char_size); if (obj == NULL) return PyErr_NoMemory(); //绑定PyUnicode_Type的类型信息 obj = PyObject_INIT(obj, &PyUnicode_Type); if (obj == NULL) return NULL; unicode = (PyCompactUnicodeObject *)obj; if (is_a...
'.bz2', '.zip', or '.xz' (otherwise nodecompression). If using 'zip', the ZIP file must contain only one datafile to be read in. Set to None for no decompression.thousands : str, optionalThousands separator.decimal : str, default '.'Character to...
Check if a string is null or empty in XSLT 242 TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface 120 Using pickle.dump - TypeError: must be str, not bytes 316 What is the best way to convert byte array to string? 266 Converting string to byte array in C# 182 python 3.5: TypeEr...
Unit Root Test Thenullhypothesisofthe Augmented Dickey-Fuller is that there is a unit root,withthe alternative that there is no unit root.That is to say the bigger the p-value the more reason we assert that there is a unit root''' def testStationarity(ts): dftest = adfuller(ts) # ...
fields=/huawei-patch:patch({filtering_str})') req_data = None ret, _, rsp_data = ops_conn.get(uri, req_data) if ret == http.client.NOT_FOUND: return None, None if ops_return_result(ret) or rsp_data == '': raise OPIExecError('Failed to get the patch file information') root...
{"property_name": ["Python.home", "Python.version", "Revo.version", "libpaths"], "property_value": [sys.executable[:-10], sys.version, pkg_resources.get_distribution("revoscalepy").version, str(sys.path)]} ) 'withWITHRESULTSETS(SQLkeywords) ((PropertyNamenvarchar(100), ...
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