- Online skills testing platform for recruiters & companies - Online platform for code studying and recruiting with job offers also Codility - Online platform that offers sponsored challenges Meetapro - An Airbnb style mock interview platform with top FAANG interviewersEv...
Three Biggest Items Exercise Solution What is the result? - Level 1 Exercise Solution What is the result? - Level 2 Exercise Solution Running Sum Exercise Solution Remove Duplicates from Sorted List Exercise Solution LeetCode Find the Runner-Up Score! Exercise Solution HackerRank Nested Lists...
HackerRank has great features if you’re looking for a job. They offer certifications in many different skills, including problem-solving and Python programming, as well as a job board that lets you show off your puzzle-solving skills as part of your job applications. There are many other sit...
Largest Rectangle Hackerrank Solution in Python Unemployment Data Analysis using Python Binary Search Tree in Python Classes and Objects in Python Jump Statement in Python-Break Statement Jump Statements in Python-continue statement Python Time Module Random Forest for Time Series Forecasting Visualising Glo...
(or SJF) CPU Scheduling Python Program Zig-Zag Traversal of Binary Tree in Python Count occurrences of items in Python List Largest Rectangle Hackerrank Solution in Python Unemployment Data Analysis using Python Binary Search Tree in Python Classes and Objects in Python Jump Statement in Python-...
Given an array of integersnumsand an integertarget, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up totarget. You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution, and you may not use the same element twice. You can return the answer in any order. ...
How to Find a Solution How to Dissect a Topcoder Problem Statement Coding Interview Question Videos: IDeserve (88 videos) Tushar Roy (5 playlists) Challenge sites: LeetCode TopCoder Project Euler (math-focused) Codewars HackerEarth HackerRank Codility InterviewCake Geeks for Geeks InterviewBit Spher... - Coding tests & pair programming interview tools - Online skills testing platform for recruiters & companies - Online platform for code studying and recruiting with job offers also Codility - Online platform that offers sponsored challengesEvents...
Python zfill() method fills the string at left with 0 digit to make a string of length width. It returns a string contains a sign prefix + or - before the 0 digit. It returns original length string if the width is less than string length. ...
basename = os.path.basename(path) print(basename) Output: 'myfile.txt' Example 2: Let's take another example with an empty string: importos path ='' basename = os.path.basename(path) print(basename) Output: "" os.path.basename()does not check if the file or directory exists, it onl...