计算数字的平方 defsquare(num):returnnum**2result=square(number) 1. 2. 3. 代码解释:定义了一个名为square的函数,接收一个参数num,并返回num的平方。然后调用这个函数,将结果保存在result变量中。 输出平方结果 print(f"The square of{number}is{result}") 1. 代码解释:打印输出结果,展示输入数字的平方。
# 计算一个数的平方number=3square=number**2print("The square of",number,"is",square) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 这段代码中,我们首先定义了一个变量number,并赋值为 3。然后,我们使用**操作符计算number的平方,并将结果赋值给变量square。最后,我们使用print函数打印出结果。 当我们运行这段代码时,输出将是:...
Calculating square is a basic operation in mathematics; here we are calculating the square of a given number by using 3 methods. 计算平方是数学中的基本运算。 在这里,我们使用3种方法计算给定数字的平方。 By multiplying numbers two times: (number*number) 将数字乘以两倍:( 数字*数字) By using Exp...
如果在函数的看透写下字符串,它就会作为函数的一部分进行存储,称为文档字符串 defsquare(x): 'calculates the square of number x'returnx*x 文档字符串可以按如下方式访问: defsquare(x): 'calculates the square of number x'returnx*xprint(square.__doc__) #输出 calculates the square of number x 1....
for square in squares: print(square) 平方操作和生成新列表的过程都浓缩进了一行代码。你是不是已经晕头转向了,让我们来看看这行代码发生了什么。 首先我们定义了一个列表,名字为 squares。 接下来看看列表中括号中的代码: for number in range(1, 11) 它在1-10之间创建一个循环,把每个数字存储到变量 ...
class Shape:pass class Circle(Shape):pass class Square(Shape):pass for name in ["Circle", "Square"]: cls = globals()[name] obj = cls() 要理解Python中的工厂模式,关键是要知道,Python中的类也是可调用的对象。而且,我们import以后,存在于当前的命名空间中,所以,我们可以先通过名字获取到"类",再...
Notice that we can use an arbitrary expression in the square brackets, not just a hardcoded number literal—anywhere that Python expects a value, we can use a literal, a variable, or any expression. Python’s syntax is completely general this way. In addition to simple positional indexing, ...
Given a positive integern, find the least number of perfect square numbers (for example,1, 4, 9, 16, ...) which sum ton. Example 1: Input: n = 12 Output: 3 Explanation: 12 = 4 + 4 + 4. Example 2: Input: n = 13
def square(x): """ A simple function to calculate the square of a number by addition. """ sum_so_far = 0 for counter in range(x): sum_so_far = sum_so_far + x return sum_so_farOutput (Python 2.x):>>> square(10) 10...
def square(x): """ A simple function to calculate the square of a number by addition. """ sum_so_far = 0 for counter in range(x): sum_so_far = sum_so_far + x return sum_so_farOutput (Python 2.x):>>> square(10) 10Shouldn't that be 100?