在上面的代码中,我们定义了一个replace_multiple_spaces函数,通过re.sub方法将文本中的多个空格替换为一个空格。使用正则表达式\s+可以匹配一个或多个空格。 方法二:使用split和join方法 除了正则表达式,我们还可以使用Python的内置方法split和join来实现字符串处理。具体做法是先使用split方法按空格分割字符串,然后再使...
The split methods cut a string into parts based on the given separator parameter. With the optional second parameter we can control how many times the string is cut. str.split([sep[, maxsplit]]) Thestr.splitmethod returns a list of the words in the string, separated by the delimiter str...
importtime# 使用正则表达式的合并多空格方法defmerge_spaces_regex(text):returnre.sub(r'\s+',' ',text)# 使用split和join方法的合并多空格方法defmerge_spaces_split_join(text):words=text.split()return' '.join(words)# 测试代码text="Hello world! How are you?"# 测试正则表达式的性能start_time=ti...
Whilestr.split()is highly useful for splitting strings with a single delimiter, it falls short when we need to split a string on multiple delimiters. For example, if we have a string with words separated by commas, semicolons, and/or spaces,str.split()cannot handle all these delimiters si...
There isn’t any built-in function to reverse a given String in Python but the easiest way is to do that is to use a slice that starts at the end of the string, and goes backward. x = “intellipaat” [::-1] print(x) The output will be: taapilletni Python Split String The ...
"Street Name".split()[1] Split a string into multiple strings by space. And get the second returned string. Name The Calculate Value tool can replace or remove characters from a string. For example, if you have an input value with a decimal (field value of the input table...
re.split('\s+', landmarks) In the above example,\s+is a Python regular expression that matches any whitespace character (spaces, tabs, line breaks). So it splits the string into list words based on the space, or you can see the string even contains the tab‘\t’and line breaks‘...
'Learn-string' >>> str.split('n') ['Lear', ' stri', 'g'] >>> str.split('n',1) ['Lear', ' string'] >>> str.rsplit('n') ['Lear', ' stri', 'g'] >>> str.rsplit('n',1) ['Learn stri', 'g'] >>> str.splitlines() ['Learn string'] >>> str.partition('n'...
# Split the string by delimiter "; " result = string.split(";") # Example 3: Splitting with regular expressions result = re.split("; |, ", string) # Example 4: Using splitlines() method # Split the string by delimiter string = "Welcome\nto\nSparkByExamples" ...
limit - limits numbers to splitExampleUse of split() method.string="includehelp is a portal to learn concepts" l=string.split() print(l) m=string.split('o') print(m) n=string.split('o',1) print(n) Output['includehelp', 'is', 'a', 'portal', 'to', 'learn', 'concepts'] [...