2. Built-in Functions sorted(iterable[,cmp[,key[,reverse]]])2. Built-in Functions Return a n...
Usefunctools.cmp_to_key()to convert an old-stylecmpfunction to akeyfunction. The built-insorted()function is guaranteed to be stable. A sort is stable if it guarantees not to change the relative order of elements that compare equal — this is helpful for sorting in multiple passes (for e...
def__repr__(self):returnrepr((self.name,self.grade,self.age))defweighted_grade(self):return'CBA'.index(self.grade)/float(self.age)>>>student_objects=[Student('john','A',15),Student('jane','B',12),Student('dave','B',10),]>>>sorted(student_objects,key=lambda student:student.age...
>>>from operatorimportitemgetter,attrgetter,methodcaller>>>sorted(student_tuples,key=itemgetter(2))[('dave','B',10),('jane','B',12),('john','A',15)]>>>sorted(student_objects,key=attrgetter('age'))[('dave','B',10),('jane','B',12),('john','A',15)] operator模块还有可以进...
Usefunctools.cmp_to_key()to convert an old-stylecmpfunction to akeyfunction. The built-insorted()function is guaranteed to be stable. A sort is stable if it guarantees not to change the relative order of elements that compare equal — this is helpful for sorting in multiple passes (for ...
Data can be sorted alphabetically or numerically. Thesort keyspecifies the criteria used to perform the sort. It is possible to sort objects by multiple keys. For instance, when sorting users, the names of the users could be used as primary sort key, and their occupation as the secondary so...
keys=sorted(keywords.keys())forkwinkeys: print(kw,":", keywords[kw]) It could be called like this: 可以这样调用: cheeseshop("Limburger","It's very runny, sir.","It's really very, VERY runny, sir.", shopkeeper="Michael Palin", ...
# 使用内置的 sorted() 函数和匿名 lambda 函数对嵌套列表进行排序 # 我们将首先根据第 1 列、第 2 列和第 3 列指数对列表进行排序; sorted = sorted(listt, key = lambda x: (x[1], x[2], x[3])) # Printing the sorted list print(sorted) ...
ls.sort(key = lambda x: x[1])# 根据每个元组的第二个数据进行排序 ls 代码语言:javascript 复制 [(86, 71), (85, 85), (93, 88), (76, 94), (79, 100)] 代码语言:javascript 复制 ls = [(93, 88), (79, 100), (86, 71), (85, 85), (76, 94)] temp = sorted(ls, key =...
1.注意区分dict加与不加iteritems()对于结果的影响 2.我们的key选择的是传入参数的第0号元素,在这里即是键(keys),所以最终的排序是按照键排序,我们也可以以值作为标准进行排序,看下面示例 python 3行 代码语言:js 复制 d=sorted(c.iteritems(),key=operator.itemgetter(1),reverse=True)>>>[('da',95),...