除了sort方法之外,Python还提供了一个内置函数sorted()可以对列表进行排序。sorted()函数返回一个新的已排序列表,原列表不会被修改。我们可以使用sorted()函数来对字典进行排序,例如: my_dict = {'apple': 3, 'banana': 2, 'orange': 5} sorted_dict = dict(sorted(my_dict.items(), key=lambda item: ...
such as alphabetically. To sort a dictionary by its keys, we can simply use the sorted function and pass in the dictionary as the iterable. The sorted function can sort the keys in ascending or descending order and string in alphabetical order and...
Python Sort Dictionary By Key Python has several methods for sorting the dictionary by key, which we will discuss here. Sorting means the arrangement of the elements in the dictionary, and this arrangement can beascending (from lower to higher) or descending (from higher to lower). MY LATEST ...
对dict排序默认会按照dict的key值进行排序,最后返回的结果是一个对key值排序好的list 二,key参数 从python2.4开始,list.sort()和sorted()函数增加了key参数来指定一个函数,此函数将在每个元素比较前被调用 key参数的值为一个函数,此函数只有一个参数且返回一个值用来进行比较。这个技术是快速的因为key指定的函数将...
# 按照key的字母顺序排序 dictt = sorted(dic.items(), key=lambda d: d[0]) print 'dictt=', dictt if __name__ == '__main__': dict_sort() 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Output: dict= [('aa', 74), ('a', 31), ('bc', 5), ('as...
def sortDict(): b = {'a':234,'b':1,'c':2,'e':2387} print(sorted(b.iteritems(),key=operator.itemgetter(0)))#按key升序排列 print(sorted(b.iteritems(),key=operator.itemgetter(1)))#按value升序排列 print(sorted(b.items(),key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True))##按value降序排列 ...
keys.sort()return[dict[key]forkeyinkeys] 还是按key值排序,据说更快。。。而且当key为tuple的时候照样适用 defsortedDictValues3(adict): keys = adict.keys() keys.sort()returnmap(adict.get, keys) 一行语句搞定: [(k,di[k])forkinsorted(di.keys())] ...
Python sorted_dict.py class SortableDict(dict): def sort_by_keys(self, reverse=False): sorted_items = sorted( self.items(), key=lambda item: item[0], reverse=reverse ) self.clear() self.update(sorted_items) def sort_by_values(self, reverse=False): sorted_items = sorted( self.items...
keys.sort()return[dict[key]forkeyinkeys] defsortedDictValues3(adict): keys = adict.keys() keys.sort()returnmap(adict.get, keys) #一行语句搞定:[(k,di[k])forkinsorted(di.keys())] 按value 排序 #还是一行搞定:[ vforvinsorted(di.values())]...
object.sort(key=lambda temp:temp[0]) temp:表示其中的一个元素 排序的标准是 temp:后面的值 reverse=True :表示降序 1、纯字典排序 dict={'a':3,'c':5,'b':2}# 0:按字典的key排序 1:按value排序result=sorted(dict.items(),key=lambdatemp:temp[0])print(result) ...