#1.系统环境安装net-snmp软件 a.下载链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1sq4mjIMfFgG2YxTMLxVF0A 提取码: a7j5 b.安装完成,打开cmd命令框,输入snmpwalk,无报错,有回显,即安装正常 #2.使用pip工具安装snmp-cmds模块 pip3 install snmp-cmds 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2.2 在Centos 7平台 #1.系统环境安装net...
m. 验证,是否有snmpwalk命令#2.使用pip工具安装snmp-cmds模块pip3 install easysnmp ps:easysnmp官方文档地址:https://easysnmp.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ 三、简单实例 3.1 获取目标设备的接口名字 fromsnmp_cmdsimportsnmpwalk#返回结果是列表res = snmpwalk(ipaddress='',oid='IF-MIB:ifDescr'...
m. 验证,是否有snmpwalk命令#2.使用pip工具安装snmp-cmds模块pip3 install easysnmp ps:easysnmp官方文档地址:https://easysnmp.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ 三、简单实例 3.1 获取目标设备的接口名字 fromsnmp_cmdsimportsnmpwalk#返回结果是列表res = snmpwalk(ipaddress='',oid='IF-MIB:ifDescr'...
查询snmp-cmds介绍,里面有说到“Although this library should work on Windows platform that have Net-SNMP installed, it has not yet been tested on Windows. Use with caution.”,所以笔者暂时采用ubuntu系统。 1、Ubuntu环境部署 This package requires the following software be installed on your system: `...
#1.系统环境安装net-snmp软件 a.下载链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1sq4mjIMfFgG2YxTMLxVF0A 提取码: a7j5 b.安装完成,打开cmd命令框,输入snmpwalk,无报错,有回显,即安装正常 #2.使用pip工具安装snmp-cmds模块 pip3 install snmp-cmds 2.2 在Centos 7平台 #1.系统环境安装net-snmp软件 a.yum ...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于Python snmp开发的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及Python snmp开发问答内容。更多Python snmp开发相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
Python模块之snmp-cmds,easysnmp 2019-03-08 11:28 − 一、简介 snmp-cmds模块通过SNMP与目标设备进行通信,此模块适用于windows,此模块是基于系统已安装了net-snmp环境easysnmp模块通过SNMP与谬表设备进行通信,此模块用于linux,此模块基于系统已安装了net-snmp环境 二、snmp-cmds模块安... 森林326 0 2601 ...
There are engineers who took on this feat—coding in their language of choice, learning to work with raw text using complex parsing, regular expressions, and querying SNMP MIBs in a script. If you’ve ever attempted this yourself, you know firsthand that it’s possible, but working with ...
(self, connection, commands): # build up all commands into a single request to increase network perf all_cmds = ''.join(starmap(connection.pack_command, [args for args, options in commands])) connection.send_packed_command(all_cmds) return [self.parse_response(connection, args[0], **...
for cmd in cmds: count+=1 print "Running Command Number %s" % count subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True) BASH Bash runs a sequence of system commands. #!/usr/bin/env bash #Create Commands SPACE=`df -h` MESSAGES=`tail /var/log/messages` ...